

Martin E. Ballou owns and operates an excellent farm on section 35, Clear Creek precinct, and is ranked among the progressive and prosperous farmers of Saunders county. A native of Ohio, he was born in Ashtabula county on the 16th of September, 1854, and is a son of Emor S. and Susan (Van Buren) Ballou, both of whom were born in Saratoga county, New York. The father, who was by occupation a farmer, became the owner of land in Ohio and followed agricultural pursuits there until 1868, when he removed to Saunders county, Nebraska. He bought one hundred and sixty acres on section 35, Clear Creek precinct, and at once began the improvement of is place, which he operated until his demise in January, 1894. His wife died two years previously.

Martin E. Ballou remained under the parental roof during his boyhood and youth and received his education in the public schools in Ohio and Saunders county. He early began to assist his father and when he reached young manhood was taken into partnership, father and son farming together. Following his father's demise he came into possession of seventy-three acres of the homestead and subsequently bought two hundred and fifty-eight acres on section 36 Ashland precinct. He is cultivation all of that land and his place is conceded to be one of the best developed farms in the county. For a number of years he engaged in stock-raising to a considerable extent but is now concentrating his energies upon the growing of grain. He manages his affairs well and is prompt and energetic in his work, which he facilitates by the use of up-to-date machiner, and he seldom fails to harvest large crops.

In February, 1875, Mr. Ballou was united in marriage to Miss Jessie Bissell, a daughter of James and Sara A. (Rumsey) Bissell, natives of New York and Pennsylvania respectively. At the time of the Civil war her father enlisted in the Thirteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry and was given the rank of captain. In November, 1865, he was shot at Franklin, Tennessee, and died almost instantly. He was an attorney by profession and previous to enlisting in the Union army was engaged in successful practice in Indiana. His wife survived him until August, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. Ballou have six children, namely: Emor S., who was born in March, 1876, and is now operating two hundred acres of land in Clear Creek precinct; James B., who was born February, 1878, and is farming two hundred acres in Clear Creek precinct; Jessie C., born in December, 1879, who is now the wife of C. Oscar Swanson, and is living on a farm near Cedar Bluffs; Elizabeth A., who was born April 15, 1881, and married J. E. Fenton, a farmer of Clear Creek precinct; and Susan M., born Mary 7, 1890, the wife of Allen W. Cummer, who is engaged in the sugar beet business in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Mr. Ballou is a republican in politics and his religious allegiance is given to the Congregational church. He has gained many friends during his residence in this county and all who come into contact with him respect him for his many admirable qualities.

Source: "Past and Present of Saunders County, Nebraska : a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement" 3519