
Families of Lyle Theodore Brown

LYLE THEODORE BROWN, son of RUTH M. BROWN and ARY WILLIAM BROWN, was born November 17, 1909,456 and died August 17, 1977 in Pinellas County, Florida.456, 99 He is buried in Sunset Hill Cemetery, Lakewood, Chautauqua, New York.456

He married (1) LOIS ELIZABETH CULVER on June 22, 1935 in Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York.4448

He married (2) EDNA INGEBORG JOHNSON. She was born September 4, 1899 in Pennsylvania,456 and died January 5, 1989 in Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York.456 She is buried in Sunset Hill Cemetery, Lakewood, Chautauqua, New York.456


  1. Son
  2. Daughter
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Lyle T. Brown

Lois E. Culver

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Marriage Announcements and News

Jamestown Evening Journal, June 21, 19354450

Morton Club's Carnival will Stage Wedding

Elizabeth Culver, East Randolph, to Marry Lyle Brown, Onoville, at Public Ceremony

A public wedding will be a feature of the Saturday evening program at the carnival being held at West Third street and Hall avenue under auspices of the Morton club, Jamestown Firemen's association.

The wedding, open to the entire carnival crowd, will take place at 10 p. m., the bride to be Elizabeth Culver, daughter of R. D. Culver and Mrs. E. A. Wheeler of East Randolph, and the bridegroom, Lyle Brown, son of Ary Brown of Onoville, N. Y. Rev. Louis M. Lawrence will officiate. The bride will be gowned in pale green crepe with white accessories. She is a graduate of Randolph High school and Jamestown Business college while the bridegroom is a graduate of Salamanca High school and is now employed at the Pearl City Veneer company. The wedding reception will be held at the home of Detective Sergeant Charles Wuertzer and Mrs. Wuertzer, 308 Van Buren street. After a honeymoon the newly married couple will reside at 105 Weeks street.

The couple will receive the following gifts from Jamestown merchants: Sport ensemble, handbag, gloves from Jamestown Retail Drygoods Merchants' association composed of Abrahamson-Bigelow company, Lockwood's leather and sporting goods, Nelson's Store of Specialty Shop and Wright's Specialty Shop; shoes, Wade Brothers; hat, Sylvia Forsberg Millenery; slip, House of Burnett; hose, Family Shoe store; corsages, Nelson & Butts; wedding cake, Cake Shop; candy, Party Shoppe; wedding ring, C. E. Bradley, Inc.; sports suit, Jessup, Turner & Scharf; hat, Guy Saxton; shoes, Brostrom & Conner; cigars, Gunnill-Carlson news room; shirt, Lundquist & Soderstrom; shaving set, Siegfried's Drug store; pen set, Lynn & Carlson, jewelers; ties, Wiquist Clothing company; goldfish, Samuel's Pet Supply shop; electric percolator, Lindquist Electric company; photographs, Globe Studio; due bill, Jamestown Pharmacy; floor lamp, Homer Klock Furniture company; monogrammed stationery and calling cards, Geer-Dunn company; $25 deposit on General Electric refrigerator, Turner Radio company; $15 deposit on kitchen range, Chatfield & Sharpe; $10 deposit on Zenith Radio, Fargo Radio company; $5 deposit on Easy washer, Lundquist Hardware company; car service, Yellow Cab company; toilet set, Siegfried's Drug store; cook book, The Book Shop.


Randolph Register, June 28, 19354448

Local Couple Married at Jamestown, Saturday

Announcement is made this week of the marriage of Miss Betty Culver and Lyle T. Brown, both of East Randolph. The ceremony was performed in Jamestown Saturday evening, June 22, by he Rev. L. M. Lawrence, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Jamestown. The couple was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Huntington of this village.

After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Brown will be at home at 305 Weeks Street, Jamestown.

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St. Petersburg Times, August 18, 197712477

BROWN, LYLE T., 67, of 10401 Snug Harbor Road, died Wednesday (Aug. 17, 1977). He came here in 1974 from his native New York and was a retired hospital equipment tester. Survivors include his wife, Edna; a son Robert and a daughter Susie Walters of Randolph, N.Y.; a sister Lora Kelly, Holly Hill, and seven grandchildren. National Cremation Society.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
April 16, 19103350South Valley, Cattaraugus, New York
June 1, 19153581Salamanca, Cattaraugus, New York
January 27, 19203391Salamanca, Cattaraugus, New York
April 13, 19403625Jamestown, Chautauqua, New York
  • Lyle Theodore Brown
  • Lois Elizabeth Culver
  • Son
