
Rockingham County, Virginia, June 29, 1842

Will of Jacob C. Ervin

(some text missing)

In the name of God Amen. I Jacob C. Ervin of the County of Rockingham State of Virginia being of sound mind and memory do hereby make [this my last] will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say

1st It is my will and desire that all my just debts and funeral [expenses be] paid by my executor, and that I be buried in a decent and [Christian] like manner.

2nd I bequeath unto my will beloved wife [ ] of my lands with half of my House and part of my Ba[ ] Natural life together with one horse, one Milch Cow [ ] such as she my select out of my stock [ ]. [The rem]ainder of my real and personal estate to be divided [ ]th Viz. One third part I bequeath to my well beloved [ ] and the balance to be equally divided between [my Son] Clements and my Daughter Harriet, with the exception of [ ] hundred Dollars to my Daughter Anna Scott and One Hundred [dolla]rs to my Grand Daughter Eliza Jane Poage of Ohio hereinafter [ ]fied.

3rdly Should my Son Clements pay all my just debts and the [ ]al legacies without being constrainted to sell the plantation then [it is] my will and desire that he my Son Clements shall have all [my] lands subject to the lefe estate therein, already bequeathed [to my dearl]y beloved Wife I am so long as she shall live in this world. [ ] it further is my will and desire that my son Clements shall [ ] the use of the whole plantation, all the stock, and farming [uten]sils, and to have the proceeds thereof (except the several [leg]acies hereinafter mentioned) by allowing my Wife Jane a [ ]t for her third part of the land; not exceeding one third [of the] Annual proceeds of her portion of the land.

4th it is my [will] and desire that all my House and Kitchen furniture in[clu]ding beds &c shall be equally divided between my Wife [Jan]e My Son Clements and my Daughter Harriet.

5th I bequeath unto [my] Daughter Harriet One Thousand Dollars to be paid to here as my [son] Clements can make it; without paying interest thereon, or [bein]g pushed for it, and her maintainance so long as she may [rem]ain Single and to be provided with one good Horse. But [shou]ld she Marry; in that event it is my will that in addition [to] the above she shall have two Milch Cows and Three Sheep.

[6th] I will and bequeath to my Daughter Anna S. Scott One Hundred [dol]lars to be paid her as soon as my Executor can make it.

[7th] I bequeath to my Grand daughter Eliza Jane Poage of Highland [Cou]nty in the state of Ohio, One Hundred Dollars to be paid her so [soon] as my Executor can make it, besides a legacy left to her [mother/father] by the last will and testament of her Grand father Francis [ ] act dec'd

8thly I do hereby constitute and Appoint my Son Clements Ervin Executor of this my last will and testament without [bein]g obliged to give Security for the discharge of his duty hereby making all other or former wills or testament by me heretofore made. Witness whereof I have herunto set my hand and affixed my [seal] this 29th day of June 1842.

Witnesses: J. G. Brown, [Jo]hn Dinkel Jr., ? Shickel Jr.