
Letter from Abigail Fields Porter to her niece, Abigail Houston Shedd

Kossuth, July 1st, 1861

My Dear Niece,

Mrs. Bell is able to sit up a part of the day, her health is better than it was two months ago, as well as she was a week ago. Doctor has advised her to blister her back & sides, which she will probably try; sends much love to you & yours, would like very much to see you here.

Please send word how Mrs. Kimball’s health is now. We are anxious to hear from Mrs. Davis & all the rest. My love to Mary & Martha. Ask them to inform me how their compositions prospered. If they cannot conveniently write now I will excuse them till after the fourth, but I shall expect one before their vacation closes. Love to Hibbard H.S. Mary & Martha must kiss Mary L. Ingalls for me & Laura Maria & Mary Emily Houston.

I feel that my strength increases & am very happy here. I receive many kindnesses here, & have not forgotten the kindnesses which I have received from you. Please accept a large share of love for yourself & Doctor too.


Abigail F. Porter

Please fetch or send to Mrs. Bell The Guardian, beginning at my Grandmother’s stories. I read the first of the story while at your house, she wishes very much to read the whole of it. Please look in the lower drawer of my bureau & you will find Edmondson Revival, & the Path of Peace, & send with the Guardian. You may be too much occupied now, but when you have a convenient opportunity. The bound Volumes of Tracts you may send with them.