
Short Biography of Benjamin B. Myrick

204. BENJAMIN B. , son of Benjamin B. and Lydia R. (Myrick) Myrick, born March 6, 1852, at Philadelphia, Pa. Married Sarah Mansur, daughter of William S. and Sarah J. (Mansur) Reid, of Richmond, Ind. She is a descendant of Mercy Mirick Mansur, daughter of John Myrick, born 1614. Benjamin Myrick came to Richmond, Ind., from Philadelphia, with his parents, in 1857. Was educated in the public schools of Richmond; by profession is a book-keeper. For twelve years was deputy in the office of County Auditor and County Treasurer; afterward individual book-keeper in the First National Bank, and has been paying teller in both the First and the Second National Banks of Richmond; at present is individual book-keeper in the Second National Bank. He is an elder in the United Presbyterian church, secretary of Pythian Temple Association, Knights of Pythias, and is a member of Richmond Lodge, F. & A. M.; with the exception of two years spent in Dakota and Minnesota, has lived all his life in Richmond. Children —

i. Florence Reid, b. June 17, 1874.

ii. William Benjamin, b. Feb. 12, 1878.

iii. Clary May, b. Feb. 12, 1878.

Source: "Genealogy of the Merrick-Mirick-Myrick family of Massachusetts, 1636-1902" 670