John Parmelee, Parmily, Permely, Parmalee, or Parmelin, was one of the first settlers of Guilford, Conn., and was one of the twenty-five signers of the Plantation Covenant on June 1 (O. S.), 1639. He died in New Haven, Nov. 8, 1659, leaving property inventoried at 78 pounds 13 shillings. The will was probated on Jan. 3, 1659-60. His home lot in Guilford was on the site of the present First Congregational Church, and contained two and a half acres. He married, first, Hannah _________; second, widow Elizabeth Bradley, who died in New Haven, January, 1683. After his death she married May 27, 1663, John Evarts of Guilford.
Source: "History of the Colony of New Haven to Its Absorption Into Connecticut" 6018