
November 12, 1759

A True Copy

In the Name of the three hole wengels amen - There is my Nicklaus Stambaught Last will and Testament wich I have on my sick beth but by perfect mind and memory will considered and concluded is as followeth. Firstly shall affter my Death All my just Debts out of my hole astade shall be paid and Saitesfied. Secondly shall my well beloved wife Barbara affter my Death have a full Cower over the hole plandation and all what belongs to it. Thortly shall my well beloved wife Barbara have all the horses and cattel and wat is on the plandation to her fuse as long as she remeans a wito but if she should be mared again she shall have her thart part according to Law. Fourtly shall my son Jacob Stambaught have the right to live on the plandation if he has his bach. Fiftly shall my son Jacob Lott his Mother if she Remains a Wito leve in the Hous or Else to Beld her if she pleses another house by the other. Sixtly shall my son Jacob Stambaught give his Mother as long as she lives every year 12 Boshels of Wet and 3 boshels of Ray. Sevently shall he give her a cow and she shall have the Geais under all the cows and then he shall keep her in fotter as Gutt as his own. Eightly shall he give 100 pounds of Hoks mett and everey year a weter to her and yearly a quarter of an accor flare to be sode and yearly a pair of New Shus to give to her and again one pair Shus to be solt and mandet. Nintly she shall have a iron pott and a dish to plate two spons and the fourt part of appels and beges and the thirt part of the gartain and if she wants a gretter he shall give her one. teently shall my son Jacob shall have on rifel and with the rest one gail shall be heir as the other of that wath is to be shered. Elevently shall be Nomanaded from me for Executors over all my Aftade affter my Deses Lorents Croun and Petter Stambaught to wich I give a fill Power and Doraty over all my aftate to shered to the best at wendage under my Geld even Gest as if I was at present and Dorent. As Witness my one Hand and sel this twenty first Day of August 1759 in Cotoras Township in York County.

Signed - Nicklaus Stambaught

As Witness Werner Sponhouer, Philip Jacob Smith


Transcription of copy of original at York County Archives, York, Pennsylvania. The original archived copy was translated from German.


Will proved 26 Feb 1760, letters granted same day to Laurentz Krone & Peter Stambach

Inventory taken November 12, 1759; filed with will on 26 Feb 1760