
Short Biography of Justus S. Sutherland

In May, 1839, Justus Sutherland and family came from Coles Co., Ill., having originally come from Madison Co., N. Y. Justus Sutherland located on sections 10 and 11, where he lived until the time of his death in December, 1873. The little old log cabin, which was erected in 1839, still stands in a fair state of preservation, while near by stands the dwelling which was afterward erected, furnished a marked contrast. Mr. Sutherland was seventy six years of age when he died. He was born in the State of Vermont in 1797, emigrated to the State of New York, from there to Illinois, and from thence to Green county. He left at the time of his death, a wife and ten children. The widow died in April, 1875. The children were—John and Andrew, who now live in Monroe; J. A., who lives in Sylvester; George, who is in business in Monroe; Samuel, who is now in Dakota; Arick, who still occupies the old homestead; Jerusha, the oldest girl, married Abner Long, and now lives in Dakota; Hannah married Mr. Yant, and now lives in Iowa; Kate married J. W. F. Randall, and now lives in Monroe; and Mary, unmarried, now lives on the homestead.

With this party, when they came to the town of Sylvester, came two of Mr. Sutherland's sisters: Mrs. Rachel Sylvester, mother of A. R.; and Mrs. Jerusha Colton. Mrs. Sylvester settled on land on section 21, where she lived with her son, Charles for a few years; then broke up housekeeping, and lived with A. R., her son, until her death. She had four sons—John took land adjoining his mother, where he lived a few years, then went to Belleville, Dane county, where he went into business. He died a number of years ago, in Kentucky. Harlow Sylvester came here several years after the arrival of his mother, and settled on section 3. He lived there a number of years, then removed to Madison, to school his children at the university and still lives upon a farm near that city. The youngest son married Miranda Hills and, settled on a farm on sections 1 and 12. He lived there a while, then bought and entered land on section 10, where he lived a few years, then left and now lives in Polk Co., Wis.

Mrs. Jerusha Colton entered land and settled on section 9, where she lived until the time of her death. Her youngest son, Melzar, still lives upon the old homestead; John, the oldest son, took land adjoining his mother's, married Elizabeth Hilborn, and lived there until the time of his death. His widow is now in Dakota. Mrs. Colton had one daughter, who married Nelson Hills and settled on section 3. She died in 1883, in Polk county, where they had moved after a number of years residence in Sylvester.

Sylvester Hills also came in the fall of 1838, from the State of New York. He located on section 21, where he lived eight or ten years, then went to a farm on sections 4 and 9. He remained there for a number of years, then removed to Albany. He died in 1880, while visiting one of his daughters in this town. His widow died in 1888.

Source: "History of Green County, Wisconsin" 4813