
Mildred A. Purinton and Claude Joseph Hendricks

CLAUDE JOSEPH HENDRICKS was born February 18, 1875 in Porter, Rock, Wisconsin,12306 and died August 15, 1964 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.5365 He is buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.456

He married MILDRED A. PURINTON on June 20, 1896 in Rock County, Wisconsin,421 daughter of JANE REESE and SYLVESTER S. PURINTON. She was born in 1877, and died August 9, 1966 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.5365 She is buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.456


  1. HELEN VIRGINIA HENDRICKS, b. August 16, 1903, St. Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota;1987 m. EDWARD JOHN SCHICKEL on August 22, 19258386; d. July 15, 1998, Portage, Columbia, Wisconsin.8382
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Work History

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Marriage Announcements and News

Iowa County Democrat, June 25, 189612305


Claude J. Henricks Clings to His Sweetheart

Madison, June 24.

Claude J. Henricks, of Evansville, left the university a couple of months ago because he could not give up his sweetheart, Miss Mildred Purington. He spent a year and a half in the modern classical course and intended eventually to study law. At the beginning of the semester just closing his father told him that he must either give up the girl he loved or abandon his education. He chose the latter course. After leaving the university he went to Janesville and began reading law in the office of Sutherland & Nolan. Last Saturday the two young people were married in Janesville, having eloped from Evansville. Claude is a tall, handsome, athletic fellow and was a good student and very popular with both faculty and fellow students while here. In speaking of the marriage the Janesville Gazette says:

"With Claude Hendricks, of Evansville, it was a case of giving up the girl he loved, or abandoning his education. Such was the parental decree. But Hendricks was a young man of spirit and grit. So he abandoned his school work, and a quiet marriage ceremony was performed in this city Saturday afternoon. The bride was Miss Mildred Purington. She and young Hendricks had been 'keeping company' for some time past, but much against the wishes of their parents, at Evansville, both of which objected on account of their age. Cupid was not to be foiled, however, and Saturday the young people met by appointment in this city, and were at once driven to the Washington street home of Rev. E. H. Pence, where the marriage ceremony was performed. Miss Nettie Wolfe acted as bridesmaid, while Chester Brewer was the best man. The happy couple left for home on the evening train. Upon their arrival they were forgiven by the bride's parents, but the groom, who has returned to this city, said that he had not yet notified his parents, as he thought it best to break the news gradually, as his father notified him some time ago that he would either have to leave the university or cease to pay court to Miss Purington, and he chose to leave the school. Miss Purington is 19 years old, os one of Evansville's most prominent and highly respected young ladies, her parents residing four miles from that city. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hendricks, of Evansville, and is at present studying law in the office of Sutherland & Nolan, of this city."

Chester Brewer, the best man, also spent several years in the university and was prominent in athletics.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 11, 18804816Sylvester, Green, Wisconsin
June 5, 19008379Janesville, Rock, Wisconsin
  • Claude Joseph Hendricks
  • Mildred A. Purinton
April 21, 19108380Janesville, Rock, Wisconsin
January 6, 19208383Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
April 11, 19308384Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Claude Joseph Hendricks
  • Mildred A. Purinton
April 6, 19407708Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Claude Joseph Hendricks
  • Mildred A. Purinton
