

Rev. Henry L. Henn, a retired minister of the Methodist Episcopal church, resides in the village of Denmark, where he operates a forty-acre fruit farm, producing principally apples and pears. His birth occurred in Washington county, Iowa, on the 10th of November, 1868, his parents being William and Elizabeth (Schmitt) Henn, both of whom were natives of Germany, the former born September 23, 1834, and the latter in 1837. William Henn, a farmer and stockman by occupation crossed the Atlantic to the United States in 1853, landing in New York. A few years later he came to Iowa, locating in Washington county, where he engaged in stock-raising and where he has remain continuously to the present time. His wife, who took up her abode in Washington county, this state, in the '50s, was called to her final rest in the year 1898. They became the parents of ten children, as follows: William, Jr., who follows farming in Oklahoma; Elizabeth, who gave her hand in marriage to S. S. Tate, an agriculturist of Oklahoma; Henry L., of this review; Emma, who is the wife of G. F. Smith and resides on the old Henn homestead in Washington county, Iowa; Lydia, who lives at home; Frederick, a carpenter of Denmark, Iowa; Mary, who follows the profession of teaching in Washington county, Iowa; John, a carpenter residing at Wellman, Iowa; Anna, who wedded S. M. Young and lives in New Mexico; and Edward, who operates the old home farm.

Henry L. Henn spent his youth largely in the county of his nativity and there obtained a high-school education. In 1891 he entered college at Mount Pleasant and after completing a four years' course joined the Oklahoma conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1895. He remained in that state for about six years, preaching the gospel and leading many to a better conception of the higher life. Since 1902 he has made his home in Denmark, Lee county, Iowa, where he is now successfully engaged in the cultivation of a fruit farm, devoting his attention principally to the growing of apples and pears.

On the 1st of January, 1896, Rev. Henn was united in marriage to Miss Carrie Houston, who was born in January, 1864, and passed away on the 4th of January, 1900. They had one son, Samuel, who is now sixteen years of age and attends school in Denmark. On the 23d of April, 1902, Rev. Henn was again married, his second union being with Miss Hattie E. Houston, a cousin of Carrie. A sketch of her parents, Ira and Olivia P. Houston, is given on another page of this volume.

Source: "The Story of Lee County, Iowa" 3488