
Mary Zerviah Ingalls

MARY ZERVIAH INGALLS, daughter of MARY JANE HOUSTON and JOSEPH EDMUND INGALLS, was born March 24, 1858,456 and died November 3, 1945.456 She is buried in Denmark Cemetery, Lee County, Iowa.456

She married (1) FRANK HENRY BOWDEN on January 1, 1896 in Lee County, Iowa.3434 He was born May 12, 1854 in South Hadley Falls, Hampshire, Massachusetts,456, 6325, 6340 and died March 6, 1911 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa.456, 6325 He is buried in Denmark Cemetery, Lee County, Iowa.456, 6325

She married (2) ELIJAH EDWARD PHILLIPS on November 11, 1914 in Lee County, Iowa.3434 He was born August 11, 1845 in Buckland, Franklin, Massachusetts,6325 and died December 25, 1932 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa.6325 He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, South Dakota.456, 6469

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Personal Information

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Marriage Announcements and News

Burlington Hawk-Eye, November 18, 19143453


Denmark, Nov. 14.—(Correspondence)—Last night a very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Rev. H. M. Lyman, Mrs. Mary T. Bowden of this place and Mr. E. E. Phillips, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, bride and groom.

Mrs. Chas. Wharton sang "Love's Old Sweet Song," and "I Love You Truly." As she was concluding the latter song the happy couple took their places amid the ferns and flowers and Mr. Lyman conducted the service that made them husband and wife.

After congratulations the guests were invited to find their places at the tables and a three course supper was served.

The bride was becomingly gowned in grey silk and carried roses. Chrysanthemums were used in profusion in decorating the home. Mr. Tracy Benton assisted Mrs. Wharton with the music. Miss Ruth Park, assisted by Misses Lora Houston, Edith Bennet, of Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Florence Houston and Mildred Wharton, served the supper. Mrs. Asa Houston was mistress of ceremonies.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips were remembered by beautiful presents.

The guests from away were Mr. and Mrs. Wade and Mrs. Rily, La Moille, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs Latham Ayer, of Keokuk, and Miss Edith Bennett, Sioux Falls, S. D.

The guests enjoyed some choice victrola records after the supper.

Mr. and Mrs. Phillips will make their home in Denmark for the present to the great satisfaction of their many friends who unite in best wishes.

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Daily Gate City, March 13, 19116340

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Houston of Burlington were here yesterday to attend the funeral of their relative, Mr. Frank Bowden. The relatives and friends who attended the funeral were: Oliver Mair of Iowa City, Mrs. Signbaugh of Dallas City Ill., Mrs. Ayer of Keokuk, Mrs. McChellen of Illinois and Mrs. Edwards of St. Joseph, Mo., also a friend of his boyhood, Mr. Chas Tempe of Nebraska.


Daily Gate City, March 13, 19116340

Frank Henry Bowden was born at South Hadley Falls, Mass., May 12th, 1854 and died Mar. 6th, 1911. At the age of five years he was left fatherless and one year later in Nov. 1860, came with his widowed mother, two sisters and one brother to the farm south of Denmark where he has ever since lived to make his home with his uncle, Deacon Brooks. He was early put to work on the farm and at the age of twelve was doing a mans' work. At this age he shoveled and hauled very nearly one-half of the sand used in the then new academy building. Later he completed his education in this same building. At the age of 17 years he united with the Congregational church and was a constant and conscientious emmber to the time of his death. He was clerk of the church for a number of years and president of the C. E. for several terms.

On January 1, 1896 he was united in marriage with Mary Ingles of Denmark who survives him. Mr Bowden was a patient sufferer having Brights disease, but his demise last Monday at about 2 p. m. came as a great shock to the entire community. He was up and around and out of doors, but after dinner coming from out of doors he remarked to his wife that he did not feel well and that he would lie down. His wife went to him shortly after and he was too near the edge of the other world to speak again in this and in a few minutes, "He was not, for God had taken him." THe funeral was conducted by Rev. Lyman from the Congregational church at 2:30 p. m. on Wednesday, March 8 and a large number of relatives and friends paid their last tribute to him who counted his friends by those who knew him. He was one of the trustees of the Denmark academy and the teachers and pupils attended in a body. The floral offerings were many and beautiful and attested to the high esteem in which he was held. The wife in her loneliness has the sincer sympathy of many friends and may she find comfort in "Him who is good and whose mercy endureth forever."


Daily Argus-Leader, December 27, 19326469

Former S. F. Resident to Be Buried in City

Elijah E. Phillips Dies at Denmark, Ia.—Body to Be Brought Here

Elijah E. Phillips, 87, former Sioux Falls resident, died at his home at Denmark, Ia., Sunday evening, according to word received here Monday.

Funeral services are being held at Denmark today and the body will be brought to Sioux Falls Wednesday noon over the Rock Island. Committal services will be held at Woodlawn cemetery at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon with Rev. E. L. Frost, pastor of the First Christian church, officiating. The American Legion will participate in the rites. The body will lie in state at the Miller Funeral home from 12 to 2 o'clock, when it will be taken to the cemetery for committal rites.

Mr. Phillips was born August 11, 1845, at Buchland, Mass. He lived in Sioux Falls about 20 years, being employed as a rural mail carrier, and left this city 18 years ago. He is survived by his widow; a sister, Mrs. J. E. Riley, who lives in Illinois; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Clara Bement, Sioux Falls, and a brother-in-law, Fred Bement, south of Sioux Falls, and the latter's three children.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 20, 18604Denmark, Lee, Iowa
August 11, 18701708Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 5, 18803408Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 15, 19003416Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Mary Zerviah Ingalls
  • Frank Henry Bowden
April 19, 19103415Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Mary Zerviah Ingalls
  • Frank Henry Bowden
February 7, 19203413Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Mary Zerviah Ingalls
  • Elijah Edward Phillips
April 2, 19303414Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Mary Zerviah Ingalls
  • Elijah Edward Phillips
April 17, 19403455Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Mary Zerviah Ingalls
