
Betty Leilah Bryan and Leamon W. Jenkins

LEAMON W. JENKINS married BETTY LEILAH BRYAN on December 14, 1942 in Greenville, Muhlenberg, Kentucky,5575 daughter of IVA MARIE SHEFFER and PAUL KING BRYAN. She was born September 11, 1920 in Richmond, Wayne, Indiana,4917 and died March 13, 1977 in Whitfield County, Georgia.37 She is buried in Washington Park East Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana.456

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Marriage Announcements and News

Palladium-Item and Sun-Telegram, December 24, 19425575


Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Bryan, Indianapolis, formerly of Williamsburg announce the marriage of their daughter, Betty, to Pfc. Lee Jenkins of Camp Carrabelle, Fla. The wedding was solemnized Dec. 14 in Greenville, Ky. Mrs. Jenkins was graduated from the Williamsburg High school in the class of 1938.

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Indianapolis Star, March 15, 197712478


Mrs. Betty L. Jenkins, age 56, wife of Mr. Leamon W. Jenkins, mother of Larry L. Jenkins and Rick B. Jenkins, 3 grandchildren, sister of Mrs. Dorothy J. Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Bryan. Funeral Thursday, March 17, 1 p.m. from the Windsor Village Baptist Church. Calling after 3 p.m. Wednesday, Shirley Bros. Irving Hill Chapel, 5377 E. Wash. St.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
April 2, 1930252Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
April 6, 19402486Williamsburg, Wayne, Indiana
