
Pauline Dutro and Carlos Beacher Randall

CARLOS BEACHER RANDALL, son of CATHERINE ALVERA SUTHERLAND and JOHN WILLIAM FLETCHER RANDALL, was born in 1858, and died January 22, 1924 in Los Angeles County, California.3893

He married PAULINE DUTRO on November 9, 1896 in Yates Center, Woodson, Kansas.4694 She was born March 3, 1875 in Liberty Township, Woodson, Kansas,7220 and died August 28, 1902 in Idaho.7220 She is buried in Falls View Cemetery, American Falls, Power, Idaho.456


  1. PAUL LELAND RANDALL, b. October 22, 1897, Kansas;456 d. March 30, 1902;456, 7220 bur. Falls View Cemetery, American Falls, Power, Idaho.456
  2. KATHERINE M. RANDALL, b. August 17, 1899, Idaho;250 m. KERN RHOTEN WRIGHT in 1917; d. May 12, 1972, Solano County, California.250
  3. KENNETH CLIFFORD RANDALL, b. August 24, 1901, American Falls, Power, Idaho;4692 m. LORENE M. NASH on September 4, 1939 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan972; d. June, 1982.
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Personal Information

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Marriage Announcements and News

Farmers Advocate, November 13, 18967219


RANDALL.—DUTRO.—Monday evening, November 9th, at six o'clock, Pauline Dutro, of this city, and Carlos B. Randall of Augusta, Kans., were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by the Rev. Carr of Chanute, Kans. After the ceremony, which was solemn and impressive, the guests adjourned to the dining room and were soon doing ample justice to a sumptuous supper, after which they enjoyed themselves with music and anecdotes until ten o'clock. Then after wishing the newly married all joy and success in their future home the guests departed to their respective homes. Only a few of the immediate relatives and friends were invited.

The bride is well known in Woodson county, having lived all of her life here with the exception of a couple of years spent in Colorado. The groom is a successful young merchant of Augusta, Ks.

May they live long and prosper is the wish of all of their friends in Woodson county.

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Newspaper Articles

Weekly Kansan-Republican, April 10, 19037232


C. B. Randall Here in Interests of Irrigated Idaho Land

Rev. A. F. Randall, rector of the Episcopal church, is enjoying a visit from his brother, C. B. Randall, of American Falls, Idaho, who happened to be in this state on business and improved an opportunity to spend a few days with his brother. Mr. Randall represents the Idaho Canal company which is transforming the desert tracts of the state of Idaho into fertile valleys by irrigation and Mr. Randall's especial work is to induce immigration to the lands thus made ready for farming.

To illustrate the possibilities of agriculture in irrigated land, Mr. Randall has placed on display in the office of C. M. GLover samples of barley, rye and other grains grown in Idaho.


Lewiston Inter-State News, September 1, 19057229

Mennonites to Colonize in Idaho

American Falls, Aug. 28.—C. B. Randall arrived in American Falls last Saturday morning with a party of Mennonites from Harvey county, Kansas. Mr. Randall brought them to Idaho to look up a location for a large Mennonite colony. They were much impressed with this section of Idaho and will no doubt settle in this section. Mr. Randall will leave the last of the week for Newton, Kas., to organize another party that he expects to bring to Idaho about the first of October.


Yates Center News, November 17, 19057231

C. B. Randall of American Falls, Idaho, was here the first of the week visiting Jas. Dutro and family and Jess Camac and wife. The main part of his visit however was to see his little daughter, Catherine Randall, who makes her home with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dutro.

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Yates Center News, September 19, 19027220


Mrs. Pauline Dutro Randall was a native of Woodson county, Kan., being born on the old farm of James Dutro north of Yates Center in Liberty township on March 3, 1875. Here she was raised and received her education in the schools there.

On November 9, 1896, she was united in holy wedlock to Carlos B. Randall of Augusta, Kansas, where she went to live. In 1898 they moved to American Falls, Idaho, where they lived at the time of her death.

Three children blessed this union and she was preceded to the Great Beyond by the eldest son, little Paul, who died on Easter morn of this year.

She was a consistent member of the Episcopal church but worked in christian work with others. She was impulsive but generous. She was sick about five weeks and it was the only serious illness she ever had.

Her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Dutro, her sister and two brothers and her immediate family were with her at the time of her death which occurred Aug. 28, 1902.


Berkeley Daily Gazette, January 30, 19247256

Mrs. K. R. Wright, 1036 Cornell avenue, was called to Los Angeles following the sudden death of her father, C. B. Randall, in that city. The funeral was held there Friday afternoon. Randall was 60 years of age. He is survived by his wife, his daughter, Mrs. Wright and a son Kenneth Randall.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
July 31, 18607216Le Roy, Bremer, Iowa
July 15, 18707217Bonus, Boone, Illinois
June 11, 18804816Monroe, Green, Wisconsin
June 19, 19007218American Falls, Power, Idaho
April 15, 19107230San Diego, San Diego, California
  • Carlos Beacher Randall
