FRED CHURCH was born June 4, 1869 in Missouri,706 and died January 16, 1950 in Butler, Bates, Missouri.706 He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler, Bates, Missouri.706
He married BLANCHE ALMEDA ERVIN on March 9, 1909 in Butler, Bates, Missouri,940 daughter of MARTHA JANE EVIN and THOMAS NEWTON ERVIN. She was born September 9, 1871 in Cass County, Missouri,706 and died May 25, 1940 in Butler Memorial Hospital, Butler, Bates, Missouri.706 She is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler, Bates, Missouri.706
Republican Press, May 30, 194012558
This tribute to Mrs. Fred Church has been given to The Press:
Mrs. Fred Church, wife of Fred Church, departed this life Saturday, May 25, at the Butler hospital. She had been in poor health for several years, but during the past few weeks, had shown much improvement and was looking forward to a visit with her brother, R. N. Erwin, and his wife of Pomona, Calif., who were expected in the middle of June.
On Friday, May 17, she became suddenly worse and was taken to the hospital. A telegram was sent to her brother, who at that time was in Ogden, Utah. He and his wife immediately left there by automobile and arrived here Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Church was conscious and recognized them but immediately went into a coma, from which she did not rally.
Blanche Almeda Erwin, born September 9, 1871, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Erwin, old residents of this vicinity, and she was loved by all who knew her. She was married to Fred Church, March 9, 1909, and they have since resided on their farm just west of Passaic.
She leaves a devoted husband and sister-in-law, Mrs. Elva Atkinson, who have given her every care for many months, also her two brothers, R. N. Erwin of Pomona and Eugene P. Erwin of Dillon, Mont. A good neighbor and friend has gone to her reward.
Republican Press, January 26, 195012560
Fred Church, son of Jesse and Caroline Church was born June 4th 1869 at Knobnoster, Mo., and came to Bates county with his parents, in 1874 where they settled on their farm northwest of Butler. Here he grew to manhood and received his education in the rural schools and the Butler Academy. He united with the Christian church in 1894.
On March 9, 1909, he was united in marriage with Miss Blanch Ervin, who passed away May 20th, 1940.
Mr. Church passed away January 16 at his home near Passaic, Mo. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Elva Church Atkinson of the home, one nephew and four nieces and a number of grand, great grand and great grand nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Wednesday, January 18th at 2:00 p. m. at the Culver-Underwood chapel. Rev. Faust A. Matthews of Butler officiating. Interment was made in Oak Hill cemetery.
Those from a distance who attended the service were: J. O. Snyder, Ardmore, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of Pitcher, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Humphreys and mr. and Mrs. W. R. Carter, Joplin, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ireland and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Slankard of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Todd, Merwin, Mo.; all nieces and nephews of the deceased, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cloud of Kansas City, Kansas; Mrs. Roy Slankard of Webb City, Mo.
Date | Location | Enumerated Names |
June 14, 18801833 | Grand River, Cass, Missouri |
April 30, 19101321 | Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri |
January 19, 1920939 | Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri |
April 4, 19301834 | Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri |
April 2, 19402529 | Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri |