THOMAS NEWTON ERVIN, son of MARGARET E. YOUNG and PAYTON ERVIN, was born October 28, 1844 in Preble County, Ohio,706 and died May 5, 1911 in Butler, Bates, Missouri.706 He is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler, Bates, Missouri.706
He married MARTHA JANE EVIN on April 27, 1871 in Cass County, Missouri.940 She was born March 28, 1840 in Ohio,706 and died November 21, 1928 in Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri.706 She is buried in Oak Hill Cemetery, Butler, Bates, Missouri.706
Butler Daily Democrat, May 6, 191112559
Thomas Newton Ervin, aged 66 years, 6 months and 7 days, died Friday night at his home, three miles northwest of this. He took sick Friday morning and called a physician about noon and died the same evening at 9 o'clock. He was born in Preble county, Ohio, October 28, 1844. About 32 years ago he moved from Cass to Bates county and has made his home here since that time. In the year 1869 he married Miss Martha J. Ervin at Harrisonville, and to this union three children, two boys and a girl, were born, all of whom are married: E. P. Ervin, Rockriver, Wyoming; Ross Ervin, Kalispell, Montana, and Mrs. Fred Church, near Passiac. No funeral arrangements have been made awaiting the arrival of the sons out west. They will probably arrive here Tuesday some time.
Cass County Democrat, November 22, 192812561
Mrs. Thomas Ervin, sister of Isaac N. Ervin of this city, died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Church, near Passaic, Mo. Six weeks ago Mrs. Ervin fell and suffered a broken hip, the injury and shock causing her death. During these weeks Mrs. May Singleton of Harrisonville, a niece of Mrs. Ervin, assisted in caring for her.
Mrs. Ervin was well known in this community, having spent the early years of her life at the family homestead on the farm now owned by O. A. Moudy and for many years of her married life she lived west of Harrisonville.
Besides her daughter, Mrs. Church, she leaves two sons, R. N. Ervin of Pomona, Calif., and Eugene Ervin of Wyoming; a sister, Mrs. William Johnson of Sac City, Ia., and three brothers, Isaac N. Ervin of Harrisonville, Mo., J. K. Ervin of Freeman, Mo., and Loam Ervin of Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Ervin, Mr. and Mrs. James Ervin, Mrs. H. C. Daniels and son, Hal C., Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Robbins of Harrisonville attended the funeral today at Passaic.
Date | Location | Enumerated Names |
June 14, 18801833 | Grand River, Cass, Missouri |
April 28, 19101321 | Mt. Pleasant, Bates, Missouri |
January 19, 1920939 | Mound Twp, Bates, Missouri |