JAMES STANLEY DART, son of LOTTA LEE STANLEY and WHITMAN DART, was born February 24, 1908 in Kansas City, Missouri,7377 and died February 5, 1989.4532
He married MARGARET JUSTINE MAYNARD on January 23, 1937 in Ivanhoe Park Congregational Church, Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri.5062 She was born December 10, 1908,56 and died August 10, 2008.56
Kansas City Star, January 31, 19375062
Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Maynard of Holton, Kas., announce the marriage Saturday, January 23, of their daughter, Margaret Justine, to Mr. James Stanley Dart of Topeka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Whitman Dart of Kansas City. The ceremony, which took place at 4 o'clock in the afternoon at the Ivanhoe Park Congregational church was performed by the Rev. Roy Chaney, in the presence of the immediate families. The bride and bridegroom both attended Baker university at Baldwin, Kas., and Mrs. Dart is a graduate of the State Teachers' college at Pittsburg, Kas. Mr. and Mrs. Dart are at home at 1022 Ohio, Lawrence, Kas.
Date | Location | Enumerated Names |
April 20, 19104386 | Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri |
January 5, 1920293 | Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri |
April 17, 1930480 | Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri |