
Laura Bessie Irvine and John Warren Goddard

JOHN WARREN GODDARD was born May 8, 1869 in Saline County, Missouri,10375, 11093 and died January 2, 1950 in Miami, Saline, Missouri.10375, 11093 He is buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.456

He married LAURA BESSIE IRVINE on December 28, 1897 in Saline County, Missouri,11092 daughter of NANCY JANE SHAW and ROBERT RUXTON IRVINE. She was born April 20, 1873,706 and died April 17, 1968 in St. Joseph, Buchanan, Missouri.706 She is buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.456


  1. NANCY JANE GODDARD, b. May 6, 1901;56 d. September 24, 1984, Missouri.9438
  2. CHARLES WARREN GODDARD, b. April 17, 1910;56 d. August 18, 1972, Kansas City, Missouri.9438

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Personal Information

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Marriage Announcements and News

Saline County Citizen, January 1, 189811092

Pretty Country Home Wedding

It is said that the fine old fashioned and best-fashioned country wedding at the fine old place of Mr. Robert L. Irvine, last Tuesday night when Mr. Warren D. Goddard led Miss Laura B. Irvine, one of the daughters of the house, to the altar was one of the grandest and most delightful weddings and wedding feasts witnessed for many a day.

Misses Mildred Goddard and Clara Irvine wee the attendants and Rev. D. C. Bolton performed the ceremony.

The bride looked lovely in a costume of velour cloth trimmed in Mouselin de soi with tensel braid, gloves to match, and carried bride's roses.

Among those present from Marshall were Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Will Irvine, Mrs. Henry Irvine and daughters Misses Ethel and Lizzie, Miss Flora Clark and Mrs. Ben Irvine of Kansas City.

The Citizen extends sincere congratulations and wishes the manly groom and fair bride a future as bright and happy as their wedding occasion was joyous.

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Daily Democrat-News, January 3, 195011093

J. W. Goddard, 80, Dies At Miami

Rites Will Be Held at 2 p. m. Wed. at Sweeney Funeral Home

Following a lingering illness, the death of J. Warren Goddard, 80, occurred at 5:30 p. m. Sunday, January 2, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Utley, in Miami.

John Warren Goddard was born ay 8, 1869, six miles north of Marshall on the old Goddard homestead, the eldest son of Thomas J. and Marth Hudson Goddard. He was educated in the Fairville schools; and at an early age became a member of the Fairville Baptist church, where he took an active part, and maintained faithful attendance.

On December 28, 1897, he was married to Miss Laura Irvine, also of Fairville. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Walter (Nancy Jane) Utley, of Miami; a son, Charles Warren, of Kansas City; the following brothers and a sister, T. W. Goddard, Marshall; R. H. Goddard, Washington state; Mrs. F. W Spicer, Marshall; and several nieces and nephews.

The body is at the Sweeney Funeral Home, where it will lie in state until the service, which will be held at 2:00 p. m. Wednesday January 4, conducted by Reverend Harvey Baker Sith, who will be assisted by Reverend L. T. Richardson of Slater. Burial will be in Ridge Park cemetery.

Mr. Goddard, one of Saline County's oldest residents, was reared in a home of southern background, whose genuine and hospitable characteristics remained with him through his long life. He was active in church and community, and an outstanding participant in whatever he undertook. He spent his entire life in Saline County, the greater part on the farm which was previously the Irvine homestead near Fairville, where he and his wife reared and educated their family, and maintained a lovely and hospitable home.

In later years, he left the rigors of the farm to operate a service station on Highway 65, about 2 miles west of Marshall, where he continued to meet and serve the many friends and acquaintances of his lengthening years. When his health failed to the extent that he could no longer continue there, he and his wife made their home for some years at 331 East Arrow, in Marshall; and have for the last several years lived in their daughter's home in Miami.

A man of highest principles, Mr. Goddard was widely ? and a ? ? with children, many of whom will cherish memories of his kindness and affection. He was devoted to his family, and received unusual care and affection in return. He was attended constantly through the years of his illness by his wife, who though often ill herself, never failed in her vigil, even through the entire time that he was recently hospitalized. It is perhaps due more to her tender ministrations than to any other fact that his life span was so complete and so content. The lives of this devoted couple have been centered in their children, who have responded in kind, justifying their pride and devotion.

With deepest regret this community realizes the passing of one of the oldest and most admirable of its few remaining citizens of his period.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 3, 18808957Marshall, Saline, Missouri
March 29, 19203859Marshall, Saline, Missouri
April 8, 19303858Marshall, Saline, Missouri
