
Mary Elizabeth Ann Clark and James Houston Irvine

JAMES HOUSTON IRVINE, son of POLLY HOUSTON and ANDREW IRVINE, was born in 1807 in Virginia, and died November 20, 1857.10377 He is buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Fairville, Saline, Missouri.10377, 456

He married MARY ELIZABETH ANN CLARK on October 4, 1837 in Virginia.10369 She was born March 9, 1818 in Augusta County, Virginia,11145 and died March 30, 1884 in Saline County, Missouri.11145 She is buried in Mount Carmel Cemetery, Fairville, Saline, Missouri.456


  1. MARY ELIZABETH IRVINE, b. 1838, Saline County, Missouri;456 m. EDWARD S. CARPENTER on November 6, 1857 in Saline County, Missouri10234; d. 1860, Saline County, Missouri.456
  4. HENRY BROWN IRVINE, b. 1843;456 m. MARTHA E. LEWIS; d. October 15, 1926, Blackwater, Saline, Missouri.11141
  5. ROBERT RUXTON IRVINE, b. July 28, 1848, Saline County, Missouri;706 m. NANCY JANE SHAW on March 17, 1870 in Saline County, Missouri8463; d. November 16, 1935, Saline County, Missouri.706
  6. SARAH ELLEN IRVINE, b. August 1, 1850.11147
  7. ISABELLA PALMORE IRVINE, b. August 1, 1850, Missouri;706 m. ISRAEL GRANT DYER on August 10, 1870 in Saline County, Missouri; d. October 25, 1927, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.706
  8. WILLIAM MACKENDER LETCHER IRVINE, b. 1853, Saline County, Missouri;456 m. ANN WITHERS on June 2, 1881 in Saline County, Missouri10234; d. January 7, 1896, Saline County, Missouri.456
  9. ELLEN LOUISA IRVINE, b. 1856, Saline County, Missouri;456 d. August 5, 1905, Saline County, Missouri.456
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Saline County Weekly Progress, April 3, 188411145

IRVINE.—Near Fairville, at the residence of her son, Robert R. Irvine, on Sunday, March 30th, at 1 p. m., of paralysis, Mrs. Mary E. A. Irvine, aged 66 years. The funeral and burial took place at Mt. Carmel cemetery on Monday, March 31st. The deceased was one of the early settlers of Saline, and leaves the following children to mourn her loss: Henry B., Robert R., W. M. L., Mrs. I. G. Dyer and Ella I. Irvine. Mrs. ELizabeth Irvine was a noble christian woman who was widely and favorably known in the county, and who will be mourned deeply by a large circle outside of her relatives and neighbors. It is sad and solemn for all these to bid good-bye forever to one who has been so long a part of the social life and christian fellowship of the community in which she lived. But they can find solace in the thought of her happiness in the spirit-land, while those more deeply and nearly touched by her loss will find their grief softened by the memory of the past kindness and care with which they smoothed the pathway of her life, and the affection which bound them together while she was on earth.

Mrs. Mary E. A. Irvine was the widow of James H. Irvine, and came with him to Saline county from Augusta county, Virginia, in 1838. She was born in Augusta county on March 9th, 1818, thus coming to Saline at the age of 20 years and settling in the community where she lived until her death. Her husband, Mrs. James H. Irvine, who died in 1857, was a leading spirit in the early days of Saline, and was known far and wide for all the higher virtues of manhood and fine character, being full of strick integrity and unswerving devotion to principle, popular among his fellow-men, and influential in all good works. Bereft of her noble partner by the hand of death, and left alone to fight the battle of existence, Mrs. Irvine raised a fine family of children to honorable and useful lives, and showed a character of true christianity and motherly devotion and care in their training which, with her hospitality and social virtues, has made her loved and respected by all who knew her. Few women in Saline county have been so widely known and so honestly admired for their noble lifework at home and in the community as the deceased. Her influence for good among her friends and neighbors has been incalculable, and they feel no common sorrow over her loss, and mourn her as one with whom so much of many of their lives in the past has been intimately connected. She was a consistent member of the Methodist Church, South, and has gone to receive in the better land the reward of noble, faithful and honored life, leaving a sad vacancy in the hearts of many besides her own household, and a memory that will be keep green by many a fireside in Saline for many a year.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
September 28, 185010222Saline County, Missouri
August, 186010224Miami, Saline, Missouri
August, 18708958Miami, Saline, Missouri
June 3, 18808957Marshall, Saline, Missouri
