
Elsie Rebecca Boyer and Phares Henry Hoke

PHARES HENRY HOKE was born July 6, 1870 in Pennsylvania,3985 and died January 28, 1913 in Springettsbury Township, York, Pennsylvania.5917, 3985 He is buried in Trinity Roths United Church of Christ Cemetery, Spring Grove, York, Pennsylvania.3985

He married ELSIE REBECCA BOYER on December 1, 1895 in York, York, Pennsylvania,5916, 2985 daughter of KATHRYN REBECCA STAMBAUGH and GEORGE HOOVER BOYER. She was born October 19, 1877 in York County, Pennsylvania,3985 and died July 9, 1954 in York Hospital, York County, Pennsylvania.3985 She is buried in Trinity Roths United Church of Christ Cemetery, Spring Grove, York, Pennsylvania.3985


  1. GERTRUDE HOKE, b. October 12, 1895;9827 m. ROY SAMUEL DIEHL on April 19, 1924 in York, York, Pennsylvania9828; d. September 18, 1970, York, York, Pennsylvania.9827
  2. CATHERINE M. HOKE, b. October 24, 1898, Newchester, Adams, Pennsylvania;456, 9840 m. ROBERT P. FAIRCLOTH; d. November 15, 1983.456
  3. EDNA E. HOKE, b. June 8, 1901;3985 d. September 27, 1923, Susquehanna, Dauphin, Pennsylvania;3985 bur. Trinity Roths United Church of Christ Cemetery, Spring Grove, York, Pennsylvania.456, 3985
  4. GEORGE WILLIAM HOKE, b. August 3, 1903, Hanover, York, Pennsylvania;7377 m. ETHEL VENELIA REBECCA STEBBINS on October 1, 1932 in York, York, Pennsylvania9839; d. February 25, 1980, York, York, Pennsylvania.9837
  5. ROY WILBUR HOKE, b. September 30, 1908, Springettsbury, York, Pennsylvania;4808 m. CATHERINE A. DUBALSKI on January 6, 1934 in Washington, District of Columbia9652; d. December 7, 1980;456 bur. Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.456
  6. ESTHER SARAH HOKE, b. March 1, 1911, Springettsbury, York, Pennsylvania;4808, 9832 d. April 2, 2006, York Hospital, York County, Pennsylvania.9832
  7. DOROTHY JULIA HOKE, b. August 6, 1913, York, York, Pennsylvania;4808 m. GEORGE WILLIAM MOUL on September 3, 1937 in Bethany Reformed Church Parsonage, York, York, Pennsylvania9833; d. January 25, 1985, York, York, Pennsylvania.9834
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Personal Information

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Marriage Announcements and News

Gazette and Daily, December 18, 18955916

HOKE—BOYER. —On Dec. 1, 1895, by Rev. O. P. Schellhamer, at 413 West Philadelphia street, Mr. Phares H. Hoke, of Spring Grove, and Miss Elsie Boyer, of Farmers.

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Gettysburg Times, January 29, 19135917


Farmer of Near Abbottstown Sustains Injury which Develops into Deadly Tetanus. Had Brother Die from the Same Cause.

Phares Hoke, of near Abbottstown, died about 10:30 o'clock Tuesday morning from lockjaw, developing from injuries sustained some time ago. He is a son of William Hoke, of Roundtown, and this is the second death to occur in the Hoke family from the dread disease, a brother dying the same way some time ago.

Mr. Hoke had one of his fingers crushed recently while operating some machinery. He paid no attention to the injury until it was so swollen and gave him such intense pain that he visited a York physician to receive treatment.

Last Thursday, however, tetanus developed, resulting in death. Dr. Bahn of Spring Grove, a relative of Mr. Hoke, and Dr. Smyser, North York were called in by the family Tuesday morning but were unable to do a thing for the man who was dying. In addition to the wound on the finger, considered a minor injury by the physicians, there was a nail wound in one foot, so that it was not certain which wound caused lockjaw.

Mr. Hoke was forty-two years old and is survived by Mrs. Hoke, a number of young children, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoke, Roundtown, and several brothers and sisters.


Evening Sun, July 9, 19545920

Mrs. Phares H. Hoke

Mrs. Elsie R. Boyer Hoke, 76, York, widow of Phares H. Hoke, died at 9:55 a. m. today at the York Hospital. She was a member of Bethany Reformed Church and Sunday School, York. Surviving are four daughters, two sons, six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, four sisters, including Mrs. Edward Miller and Mrs. Maggie Sullivan, Hanover, and two brothers, George and Luther Boyer, Hanover. The Reb. Herbert L. Rice, pastor of Bethany Church, will officiate at services Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. at the Max G. Anstine funeral home, West York. Burial will be in Roth's Church Cemetery.


Evening Sun, December 10, 19809830


Suddenly, on December 7, 1980, ROY W., Chief Warrant Officer U.S.C.G. Retired, of Locust Point, dearest husband of Catherine A. Hoke (nee Dubalski), beloved father of Joseph L. Hoke, and Mary Joyce Hoke and Mrs. Patricia E. Heeg, devoted son of the late Pharas and Elsie Hoke, devoted brother of Mrs. Catherine Faircloth, Miss Esther Hoke, Mrs. Dorothy Maul, and the late Gertrude Diehl and the late George W. and Edna Hoke. Also survived by 6 grandchildren.

Funeral from the Charles L. Stevens Funeral Home, Inc., 1501 East Fort avenue, on Thursday at 10:30 A.M. Interment Arlington National Cemetery.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 26, 18802975Heidelberg, York, Pennsylvania
April 25, 19102976Springettsbury, York, Pennsylvania
January 3, 19202977York, York, Pennsylvania
April 11, 19302978York, York, Pennsylvania
April 26, 19402979York, York, Pennsylvania
April 6, 19509635York, York, Pennsylvania
