
Frank Leverett

FRANK LEVERETT, son of ROWENA HOUSTON and EBENEZER TURNER LEVERETT, was born March 10, 1859 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa,3605 and died November 15, 1943 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan.3451, 3605 He is buried in Denmark Cemetery, Lee County, Iowa.3451

He married (1) FRANCIS EVELYN GIBSON on December 22, 1887 in Des Moines County, Iowa.3434 She was born December 23, 1862 in Espyville, Crawford, Pennsylvania,3465, 4432 and died July 10, 1892 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois.456, 3465 She is buried in Long Creek Cemetery, Danville, Des Moines, Iowa.3465

He married (2) DOROTHY CHRISTENA PARK on December 18, 1895.3466, 3434 She was born March 10, 1875 in Fontanelle, Nebraska,4432 and died in 1964.3451 She is buried in Denmark Cemetery, Lee County, Iowa.3451

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Personal Information

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Work History

Frank Leverett

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Marriage Announcements and News

Burlington Hawk Eye, December 25, 18953466

Denmark, Ia., Dec. 24.—Correspondence.—Mr. Frank Leverett and Miss Dora Park were united in marriage Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents. Rev. F. E. Kenyon officiating. The bridal party took the train in the evening for Washington, D. C.

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Newspaper Articles

Alton Evening Telegraph, September 26, 19044433

Prof. Frank Leverett and wife of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mrs. John C. Huston of Denmark, Iowa, visited relatives here on Saturday. Prof. Leverett has for several years been connected with the field work of the U. S. Geological survey.

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Burlington Hawk Eye, July 13, 18923465

The sad news of the death of Mrs. Frank Leverett reached here about noon Sunday. She died at Chicago where she has been under the doctor's care for some time. The remains reached Danville yesterday morning, accompanied by Mr. Leverett and his sister, Miss Mary Leverett, and was conveyed to the house of James Gibson (father of the deceased) where the funeral will take place to-day at 10 o'clock a. m., after which she will be buried in the cemetery near Long Creek church.


Science, April 21, 19444037


On November 15, 1943, after an illness of only a few weeks, Frank Leverett passed away at his home, 1724 South University Avenue in Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the age of 84 years. Until the time of his last illness he was active in researches dealing with glacial geology, a field in which he had gained a most enviable and world-wide reputation.

Frank Leverett was born at Denmark, Iowa, on March 20, 1859, the son of Ebenezer Turner Leverett and Rowena (Houston) Leverett. He was descended from a line of ancestors that emigrated from Boston, England, to Boston, Massachusetts, in 1663.

Upon completion of his academic training in Denmark Academy, Leverett taught in the public schools during 1878-1879. For three years following, until 1883, he served as instructor in natural sciences at Denmark Academy. It was in this position, while conducting field excursions with his classes, that he first became interested in the study of geology. In the fall of 1883 he entered Colorado College, where he took courses in mineralogy and assaying. In 1884 he enrolled in Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts and was graduated from that institution with a degree of bachelor of science in 1885.

Following his graduation from Iowa State College, Leverett journeyed on foot to Madison, Wisconsin, to confer with T. C. Chamberlain, then president of the university, concerning the possibility of obtaining a job on the U. S. Geological Survey. Being director of the Division of Glacial Geology in the Federal Survey, Chamberlin made an opening for young Leverett and assigned him to a temporary job as field assistant in glacial geology. Inspired by this opportunity to engage in a field of work which seemed to satisfy completely his cravings for scientific adventure, Leverett gave such a good account of himself that he was continued as an assistant until 1890, when he was appointed to the position of assistant geologist on the Survey. In 1901 he was advanced to geologist and in 1928 to senior geologist, a position which he held until his retirement in 1929.

During his forty-three years of continuous service with the U. S. Geological Survey, Leverett's achievements in the field of glacial studies gained for him world-wide recognition as one of the leading authorities on Pleistocene glaciation. He was an indefatigable investigator and never ceased to take a whole-hearted and genuine interest in the problems connected with that field of science.

Leverett spent the year 1908 in Europe, where he became personally acquainted with many of the leading glacialists on the continent. His numerous excursions into the glaciated tracts abroad gave him an opportunity to draw comparisons between the glacial deposits of Europe and those of North America which, through a long period of years, he had covered so thoroughly on foot or by means of horse and buggy.

Frank Leverett was twice married. His first wife was Frances E. Gibson, whom he married in 1887. In 1895, several years after her death, he was married to Dorothy C., daughter of Russell and Dorothea (Schmidt) Park, who survives him. There were no children by either marriage.

For a period of twenty years, from 1909 to 1929, Leverett served as a special lecturer in glacial geology on the staff of the University of Michigan. He was a skilful and resourceful teacher, greatly beloved by his students. he drew freely upon his great wealth of knowledge gained from personal experience and was able to make the subject of glaciation a most attractive study. He took great interest in his students, old and young alike, and never grew tired explaining over and over again perplexing problems that to him were nothing more than simple principles, so well did he know them. Following his retirement from active service with the U. S. Geological Survey, the University of Michigan conferred upon him the honorary degree of doctor of science in 1930.

Leverett was elected a fellow of the Geological Society of America in 1891, the year after its founding. In 1910 he served as the second president of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters and subsequently contributed many valuable papers during his long membership in that organization. He was honored with elected to membership in the American Philosophical Society in 1924. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and served as its vice-president during 1928. In 1939 he was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. He was a member also of the Science Academies of Iowa, Wisconsin and Washington (D. C.), the Forestry Association, the Geophysical Union, and served as a corresponding member of the National Geographic Society. He held memberships in the honorary fraternities of Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Xi.

Frank Leverett was a prolific writer. His bibliography lists some 170 titles in the form of reports, water supply papers, bulletins, monographs, professional papers and miscellaneous papers published in the period between 1889 and 1943. The greater part of these pertain to problems in Pleistocene geology and water resources. Outstanding as a classis is his Monograph 53 (with Frank B. Taylor), "The Pleistocene of Indiana and Michigan and the History of the Great Lakes," published by the U. S. Geological Survey in 1916.

Leverett spent a lifetime doing a big job well. His critical interpretations of natural phenomena and his masterful portrayal in writing of his observations marked him as a truly great scientist. He learned his facts first hand and spared no effort in making certain that he understood the meaning of the features he observed before he translated them into his published writings. He considered his work in the field of glacial geology as merely an open door to a vast and multitude of problems that should engage the efforts of glacialists for generations to come.

Leverett's private study in his home in Ann Arbor was an open classroom to an almost endless procession of geologists who sought his expert advice and counsel. He seemed to have a peculiar personal concern for the younger geologists and would spend hours assisting them with their problems. He took special delight in recounting the highlights of his personal travels and experiences.

A great scientist, a masterful teacher, but in all a modest man of remarkable wisdom, Frank Leverett will be remembered by all who knew him for his great love of glacial geology. His works will stand as an enduring monument to a lifetime of purposeful achievement.

Stanard G. Beroquist

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
August 5, 18701708Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 11, 18803408Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 2, 19003416Denmark, Lee, Iowa
  • Frank Leverett
  • Dorothy Christena Park
April 19, 19103463Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan
  • Frank Leverett
  • Dorothy Christena Park
January 3, 19203464Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan
April 21, 19301049Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan
  • Frank Leverett
  • Dorothy Christena Park
April 10, 19402749Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan
  • Frank Leverett
  • Dorothy Christena Park
