
Phoebe Hall Crawford and Edward Gilpin Vaughan

EDWARD GILPIN VAUGHAN, son of JOHN DICKINSON VAUGHAN, was born May 4, 1824 in Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware,4872, 4931 and died August 17, 1912 in Richmond, Wayne, Indiana.4931 He is buried in Earlham Cemetery, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana.456, 5574, 4931

He married (1) PHOEBE HALL CRAWFORD on November 17, 1858 in Wayne County, Indiana,193, 1675 daughter of PHOEBE HALL and JAMES CRAWFORD. She was born September 19, 1827 in Oxford, Butler, Ohio,4931 and died September 1, 1903 in Richmond, Wayne, Indiana.4931 She is buried in Earlham Cemetery, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana.89, 1125, 4931

He married (2) MARY LOUISE KELLY on October 19, 1910 in Manhattan, New York, New York.4504


  1. FRANK CRAWFORD VAUGHAN, b. October 12, 1859, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; m. DAISY THERESE ROBINSON on December 10, 1884 in Richmond, Wayne, Indiana8790; d. March 13, 1909, Boston, Massachusetts.456
  2. EDWARD GILPIN VAUGHAN, b. January 20, 1861, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; d. May 27, 1884.
  3. JOHN DICKINSON VAUGHAN, b. October 20, 1862, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana; d. December 1, 1880.
  4. WALTER SCOTT VAUGHAN, b. April 14, 1864, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana;4931 d. September 7, 1943, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana.456, 4931
  5. MARY VAUGHAN, b. November 8, 1868, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana;67, 5523 m. (1) EDMUND ALLEN WILLIAMS on November 16, 1892 in Grace Church, Wayne County, Indiana193, 5522, m. (2) LEWIS GARDNER REYNOLDS on June 3, 1909 in Wayne County, Indiana67; d. April 23, 1967, Reid Memorial Hospital, Wayne County, Indiana.5523, 4931

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Marriage Announcements and News

Indianapolis News, October 24, 19104408


Edward G. Vaughan, Age Eighty-Six, Marries Woman of Thirty.

[Special to the Indianapolis News.]

RICHMOND, Ind., October 24.—A romantic courtship, covering a period of four years or more, culminated last week, when Edward G. Vaughan, eighty-six years old, and one of Richmond's welathiest and most prominent citizens, was married in New York to Miss Mary Kelley, of Springfield, O. The bride is thirty years old. The announcement of the marriage was made Saturday night. Four or five years ago Miss Kelley was here in the employ of a publishing concern, and she and Mr. Vaughan became warm friends. Later she went to New York to take a position with a publishing house. Mr. Vaughan is the owner of much valuable real estate in the business district. His first wife died a number of years ago. He has two children living.

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Richmond Evening Item, September 2, 19034520


Died Last Midnight of Bright's Disease — Was Seventy-Six Years of Age.

Mrs. Edward G. Vaughan died last night at midnight of Bright's disease at ther home, 30 North Tenth street, at the age of 76 years. Mrs. Vaughan has been ill for some time past and her death did not come in the nature of a surprise.

Phoebe Crawford Vaughan was born at Oxford, O., September 19, 1827. She spent the early years of her life at Oxford, moving to Richmond in 1850, where she made her home with he sister, Mrs. Clem Scott. On November 17, 1858, she married Edward G. Vaughan, and to them were born five children, three of whom survive—Mrs. Mary V. Williams, Frank C. Vaughan and Walter S. Vaughan. Mrs. Vaughan also has three sisters who survive her—Mrs. J. D. Vaughan and Miss Abbie Crawford, of this city, and Mrs. Scott, of Ashland, Neb.

The funeral will occur Friday, the exact hour to be given later. Friends may call Thursday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock.


Indianapolis Star, August 18, 19124872


Edward G. Vaughan, 88, Dies Suddenly at Richmond, Ind.

RICHMOND, Ind., Aug. 17.—Edward G. Vaughan, 88 years old, and one of the wealthiest men in eastern Indiana, died suddenly tonight from uremic poisoning. Death probably was hastened by a fall sustained one week ago at his home on North Tenth street.

Mr. Vaughan came from Wilmington, Del., his birthplace, to this city at the age of 2 years, and with the exception of six years spent in California in the fifities was always a resident of this county, but for many years he has been retired from active business. The young widow, whom Mr. Vaughan married two years ago; a son, walter S. Vaughan, and a daughter, Mrs. Lewis F. Reynolds of Dayton, O., survive.


Indianapolis Star, August 23, 19124496


Mrs. Carl Bernhardt of Indianapolis Receives $25,000 From Grandfather.

RICHMOND, Ind., Aug. 22.—The will of the late Edward G. Vaughan was filed for probate in the Wayne Circuit Court late this afternoon. According to the terms of the will, the widow, Mary Lousie Vaughan, will obtain $30,000 in addition to the amount provided in the marriage agreement entered into Oct. 18, 1910, the day before the last marriage of the late Mr. Vaughan. What this prenuptial agreement calls fro is not stated. The granddaughter, Mrs. Carl, Bernhardt of Indianapolis, will receive $25,000. Daisy R. Vaughan, widow of the son, Frank Vaughan, will receive $5,000; a grandson, E. V. Williams, $8,000; a niece, Lydia G. McAdam, $1,000; a niece, Caroline V. Sandborn, $1,000, and the son Walter one-half of all the residue and remainder of the property, both real and personal. The other half of the residue is to be given to the duaghter, Mary Vaughan Reynolds. Walter Vaughan and Mrs. Reynolds were appointed executors of the estate by the will.


Indianapolis Star, September 19, 19124502


Estate of Late Edward G. Vaughan Thought to Reach Nearly Million.

(Special to The Indianpolis Star.)

RICHMOND, Ind., Sept. 18.—The announcement here that attorneys for Mrs. Carl Bernhardt of Indianapolis will contest the will of her grandfather, the late Edward G. Vaughan, on the grouns that the $25,000 left her by the document does not represent her just share in the estate as the only child of Frank C. Vaughan, deceased, is believed to foreshadow an investigation by some of the heirs that will show that the estate, supposed to be worth about $250,000, really amounts to more than $1,000,000.

Edward G. Vaughan was one of those sturdy pioneers who located in Indiana during the great Westward movement in 1849. He accumulated some means through the carful thriftiness and frugality of those pioneers and as the state grew toward the Indiana of today he became known as a wealthy man. Like many of those of pioneer blood and of careful habits he was extremely secretive concerning his fortune and none knew the real extent of the money he had accumulated.


A number of years ago tax ferrets began prying into his affairs and he suddently shifted the bulk of his fortune, of whatever amount it may have been, to government bonds. Many of these have been traced.

It is the belief of some of the heirs that probably three-fourths of his estate is not mentioned in the will. One of the three children of the sturdy old pioneer, it is said, became his especial favorite. He had many of the traits of his father, and built up a considerable business.

That much of Edward G. Vaughan's fortune is not mentioned in the will which has been filed for probate is said to be the belief of some of the heirs, and it is understood they have begun an investigation in an effort to determine just what property was left by him. The suit to contest the provisions of the will which it is said Mrs. Bernhardt will file in a short time, is the beginning of such a movement that may disclose a fortune three times the amount of that apparently left, it is believed.


Cemetery Pictures

Earlham Cemetery, Richmond, Wayne, Indiana

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
September 11, 1850307Wayne Township, Wayne, Indiana
June 9, 1860306Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
June 8, 1870305Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
June 7, 1880659Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
June 2, 1900112Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
April 30, 1910815Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
