
Mary Zerviah Shedd and William Clement Scott Jr.

WILLIAM CLEMENT SCOTT JR., son of MARIA FRANCES CRAWFORD and WILLIAM CLEMENT SCOTT SR., was born February 10, 1846 in Vincennes, Knox, Indiana,11 and died April 11, 1922 in Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska.23 He is buried in Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska.295

He married MARY ZERVIAH SHEDD on December 14, 1876 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa,11, 3844 daughter of ABIGAIL HOUSTON and DR. GEORGE SHEDD. She was born August 24, 1849 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa, and died August 8, 1900 in Denmark, Lee, Iowa.1502 She is buried in Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska.1502


  1. BABY GIRL SCOTT, b. about 1877.
  2. JOHN ADAMS SCOTT, b. October 16, 1878, Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska;23 m. ELIZABETH ANNE STANLEY on May 12, 1929 in Papillion, Sarpy, Nebraska24; d. June 27, 1969, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska.23
  3. JESSIE ABIGAIL SCOTT, b. March 18, 1881, Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska;250 m. DR. FREDERICK HOYER MILLENER on April 8, 1915 in Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska30; d. February 10, 1972, San Diego, California.250
  4. CLEMENT SHEDD SCOTT, b. July 20, 1885, Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska;250 m. ELSIE FLORENCE SHOFSTALL on June 10, 1914 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri4306; d. October 5, 1957, San Diego County, California.250
  5. MARIA DOROTHEA SCOTT, b. October 27, 1887, Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska; d. February 19, 1923, New York City, New York.346
  6. MARY ELIZABETH SCOTT, b. November 10, 1889, Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska;56 m. EVERETT B. SCOTT on August 16, 1935 in Bellrose, Long Island, New York7376; d. April 1, 1968, San Diego County, California.56, 250

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Personal Information

Mary Z. Shedd

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Military Service

Civil War

William C. Scott

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Newspaper Articles

Ashland Gazette, February 26, 19207843


Mr. W. C. Scott was the victim of a stroke of paralysis Wednesday night, between 11 and 12 p. m. He had complained during the evening of a pain near his heart, and just as he got up out of his chair preparatory to retiring for the night, the stroke came. Help was called in at once, and medical attention given, but as yet the left side is completely paralyzed. He is considered to be in critical condition.

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Omaha World-Herald, August 9, 19001503


Two Prominent Women Called to Their Long Home.

Special Dispatch to the World-Herald.

Ashland, Neb., Aug. 9.—Mrs. W. C. Scott, jr., died at Denmark, Ia., yesterday and was buried here this afternoon. Mrs. Scott was a prominent member of the Congregational church and was president of the Ashland Ladies' club. She leaves a family of five children and her husband, who has been a merchant of this place since 1873. Mrs. Scott was a daughter of the late Dr. George Shedd and sister of Hon. H. H. Shedd. Her strong personality has left its stamp and influence for good upon the whole community and deep regret and sorrow is felt by a large number of friends, who also deeply sympathize with the bereaved.


Ashland Gazette, August 10, 19001502


Mrs. W. C. Scott, Jr.

On Wednesday forenoon the people of Ashland were saddened and surprised by the news flashed over the wires from Denmark, Ia., that Mrs. W. C. Scott, Jr., was dead.

Mrs. Scott was taken ill about the beginning of the year. For a time she improved considerably, and then a relapse set in. Her condition was known to the family to be precarious. Some two weeks ago she went with her husband to Denmark, Ia., where, it was hoped, a change of scene and air and the associations of her earlier life might win her back to health. For a time this hope seemed to be in process of realization, but toward the close of last week she was taken rapidly worse, and Monday a telegram told Mr. Scott to come at once. It was realized that her earthly career was rapidly nearing its end. Wednesday morning another dispatch conveyed to the family the sad news that the end had come.

The remains were brought to Ashland Thursday morning. The funeral services were held at her late home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock amid a profusion of floral emblems, the tributes of loving hearts and skillful hands. The remains lie in repose in the Ashland cemetery. Her pastor, the Rev. T. W. Conway-Cheesman conducted the service.

Mary Z. Shedd was born at Denmark, Iowa, August 24, 1849. Her girlhood years were spent at the place of her birth, and there she received her education, having graduated from the public schools and a local seminary. In 1876 she was married to W. C. Scott, Jr., and immediately made her home in Ashland, where she resided till the time of her death. She was a member of the Congregational church from her youth, and was an active worker in that church all through her life.

Mrs. Scott was the mother of six children, one dying in infancy, and five, John, Jessie, Clement, Dorothea and Elizabeth, remaining with their father to mourn the death of their mother.


September 9, 1900

Eulogy from the original document (Aunt Ruth)

First Congregational Church, Thos. W. Conway-Cheeseman, Pastor

Mrs. Mary Scott, the daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. G. Shedd, was born in Denmark, Lee County, Iowa, on the 24th day of August 1849, and died at the home of her cousin and life-long friend, Mrs. Frank Bowden of Denmark. She went to Denmark 2 weeks ago, her husband accompanying her and returning, in the earnest hope that a long-planned, and fervently desired visit to the haunts of her childhood, would enable her to recover completely from a lingering sickness. She felt so confident that the change would restore her health, that, although her friends were not sanguine as to the result, they placed no obstacle in the way of her visit. Her letters from Denmark were all bright and full of eager accounts of improving health, but just as all began to hope everything was going well, a sudden relapse occurred, and on Monday, her husband was telegraphed for. Everything possible was done to prolong her life, a good physician and a qualified nurse being in attendance, but on Monday night she became unconscious, and passed peacefully away — never having regained consciousness — early yesterday morning, the 8th instant, lacking but 17 days of being 51 years old. Mrs. Mary Scott had been the devoted wife of Mr. W. C. Scott, Jr., for nearly 24 years, being married on the 14th Dec. 1876. She has resided with her husband in Ashland since that date. Her husband, and 5 children — John Adams, Jessie, Clement, Dorothea, and Elizabeth Mary — all of whom reside in our city, survive her. One child - the first born girl - died in infancy. A number of other relatives reside in Ashland, amongst them Hon. H. H. Shedd (her brother) and Mrs. W. C. Scott (mother-in-law). It is safe to say that hundreds of people regard Mrs. Scott's death as a personal loss. Few women have been more beloved. She had qualities that endeared her to everybody who knew her. Her mind was of no common order. As a young woman she graduated at Denmark Academy, and, in spite of the cares of a large family, she always kept in touch with history and literature, the family library being one of the best in our city. She was an energetic Church worker, a pleasant and genial neighbor, one of our social leaders, the honored president of the Woman's Club, and always had cheerful words, and sunshine smiles for everybody. It sounds commonplace to say that we deeply sympathize with the stricken family and all the relatives: we all loved her, and we mourn our own loss, whilst rejoicing that her sickness is over, and "she has entered into the rest which remains for the people of God." "Until the day dawn and the shadows flee away" we say goodbye - God be with You - and when we meet in that fair morn we will say "None have plucked you out of the Father's Keeping."


Ashland Gazette, April 13, 1922295


William Clement Scott, Jr.

Early Tuesday morning, April 11, William C. Scott, age 76, passed away after an illness of more than two years. Mr. Scott was one of Ashland's leading merchants, a highly esteemed citizen and a man whose fine personal qualities had gained and held the friendship of the community throughout his life. A resident of Ashland for more than fifty years, he was one of the very few remaining pioneer settlers of our city; and during his active life always supported the movements contributing to its growth and betterment.

Mr. Scott was born at Vincennes, Indiana, February 10, 1846. His parents were William Clement and Maria Frances Scott, the latter still living at the exceptional age of ninety-six years. His father, W. C. Scott, Sr., was a man of keen mind and active energy and a moving spirit in early Ashland affairs. In addition to his mother and his children, there survive him his sisters, Mrs. Harriett Watts, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. Anna Jackson, Ridgefield, Conn.; and his brothers, Mr. George L. Scott, Ashland; Mr. Richard Scott, Denver; and Mr. Hugh Scott, Atlanta, Ga.

At the age of sixteen he enlisted in Co. I, Eighth Indiana Volunteers, to serve in the Civil war, and was a soldier for nearly three years, taking part in the battles of Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, Black River Bridge, Vicksburg, Winchester, Cedar Creek and Fisher's Gap. One of the results of this army service was his partial loss of hearing, which increased with age until in his later years he was almost totally deaf, an infirmity, however, that lessened in no degree his even good nature and geniality.

In the year 1870 Mr. Scott come with his parents to Nebraska, settling in a small town on the Blue River, a few miles north of Crete, known as Camden, but no longer existing. A year later, or in 1871, the family moved to Ashland, where Mr. Scott resided and engaged in business until his death. With his father he established in 1874 the firm of Scott & Company, conducting a grocery business, which for nearly half a century has been one of the best known and most progressive of Ashland's business houses.

On December 14, 1876, he married Miss Mary Shedd, a daughter of Dr. George Shedd, Denmark, Iowa, and a sister of Hon. H. H. Shedd, long prominent in our community. In 1900, Mrs. Scott died, and Mr. Scott continued to live with his children, of whom five were born of his marriage, all now living: John A. Scott, a partner of his father in the business of Scott & Co., Mrs. Jessie Scott Millener, Miss Dorothea Scott, all of Ashland; Clement B. Scott, Kansas City, Mo.; and Mary Elizabeth Scott, New York City. Mr. Scott had one grandchild, Annabel, daughter of his son, Clement.

Until stricken by sickness two years ago, Mr. Scott had given personal supervision to the business with which he had so long been identified. His integrity and generous spirit of fairness in business affairs was the keystone of his success. During leisure hours, because of his increasing difficulty in hearing, he turned to books, of which he had a broad knowledge, and to a fondness for which he added a fine literary taste. Through his life he impressed those with whom he came in contact with his cheerfulness, his optimism, his charitable nature, his well-informed mind, and his sterling character.

The funeral service, conducted by the Rev. D. M. Beggs, was held at the home Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and interment was made in the Ashland cemetery. During the service the Ashland business houses were closed as a mark of the deep respect in which Mr. Scott was held by his business associates.


Cemetery Pictures

Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska

Mary Shedd Scott.
Wife of W.C. Scott Jr
Died Aug. 8, 1900
Aged 50 Years.

An affectionate wife,
A good mother,
A true friend.

W. C. Scott Jr.
Died Apr. 11, 1922
Aged 76 years.
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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
September 11, 1850307Wayne Township, Wayne, Indiana
September 12, 18501712Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 11, 1860306Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
June 20, 18604Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 10, 1870305Richmond, Wayne, Indiana
June 15, 1870304Camden, Seward, Nebraska
  • William Clement Scott
August 6, 18701708Denmark, Lee, Iowa
June 3, 1880292Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska
June 9, 1900303Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska
April 18, 1910302Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska
January 12, 1920299Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska
