
Helene Ann Young and Arthur Houston Irvine

ARTHUR HOUSTON IRVINE, son of BELLE HOUSTON and ARTHUR MARION IRVINE, was born May 29, 1901,456 and died February 16, 1941 in Cedar Rapids, Linn, Iowa.456, 9057 He is buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas.456

He married HELENE ANN YOUNG on September 22, 1924 in Denver, Denver, Colorado.8261


  1. ARTHUR HOUSTON IRVINE, b. June 21, 1925, Denver, Colorado;4532 d. November 21, 2002.4532
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Newspaper Articles

Fort Scott Tribune and The Fort Scott Monitor, October 13, 19169058


Serious Concussion Sustained by Houston Irvine Last Night—Milton Dale Also Injured

A serious concussion of the brain was sustained last night in a fall from a street car by Houston Irvine, son of A. Irvine, of 320 South Judson street, and painful cuts and bruises were sustained at the same time by his companion, Milton Dale, of Schell City, Mo., who is staying at the Irvine home while he attends school here this term. Houston's injuries are not dangerous, according to the attending physician, although he will probably be confined to his bed for several days. He was rendered unconscious by the fall, and was in a conscious or semi-conscious condition throughout the night. This morning, although seeming to be still very dazed, he was able to get out of bed for a short time and walk about the room. About 8i o'clock this morning, however, after he had gone to bed again, he sank into a sort of com, making it appear evident that his injury was not such that its effects could be thrown off in an hour or two. Although Milton Dale is not so seriously injured, his wounds are painful, and will not heal for some time.

The accident to the boys occurred as they were on their way to the moving picture class at the high school building last night. As they came on to Main street they saw a car coming from the north. At about Sixth street the car stopped for a passenger, and the boys, seeing a chance for a "life" jumped onto the steps, intending however to ride but a short distance. When they decided to get off, however, the car was going faster than they thought and the result was that they were thrown heavily to the pavement and injured as about detailed.


Fort Scott Daily Tribune-Monitor, August 26, 19229714

Houston Irvine, son or Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Irvine, is down from Kansas City for the week-end. Houston is now news editor on the Kansas City Journal, he having made rapid progress in the newspaper profession since he went to work on the Star some time ago. He will resign his position on the Journal within the next two weeks to accept a commission from the Hearst Magazine to be one of a staff of five men to spend two years in Egypt, studying the tribes along the Nile and getting moving pictures of them in their native haunts and occupations. The party will go up the Nile as far as it is navigable. THey are due to sail from New York about November 1 and to be in Cairo on January 1. This is a very important assignment and much coveted by young men in the profession.

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Cedar Rapids Gazette, February 17, 19419057

Transient Newsman Dies In Police Hdq. Of Lung Hemorrhage

Cedar Rapids News—

Arthur Houston Irvine, 39, of Fort Scott, Kan., a former newspaper man and writer of fiction stories about the west, died from a lung hemorrhage in the local police station Sunday night, according to Dr. R. E. Munden, coroner. Police said Irvine had come to the station about 5 p.m. Sunday and asked for lodging. He told the officers that he had been released recently from a hospital in Peoria, Ill., but said he was all right now except that he was "tired and hungry."

Policemen "chipped in" and bought him a meal and placed him in the juvenile room instead of the usual cell for transients. When the caretaker, Baldy Wilson, went to release the lodgers at 6:40 a.m. Monday, he found Irvine lying on the floor.

A newspaper clipping about the man, found in his pocket, said he had worked for newspapers in Topeka, Kan., and Denver, Colo., as well as serving as telegraph editor on the New York Mirror. The clipping also mentioned two stories he had written for magazines, "Dynamite on the Cotulla Stage" and "Hurray for the Sheriff." Irvine told police that his last job had been with Hearst in Chicago.

Irvine's body was taken to the Brosh chapel by the Ambulance Service. His mother, Mrs. A. M. Irvine, lives in Fort Scott and arrangements were being made to send the body there for burial.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
April 19, 19109050Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas
January 9, 19209042Fort Scott, Bourbon, Kansas
19402537Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
  • Helene Ann Young
  • Arthur Houston Irvine
