
Alma Bell Irvine and Barnett Alexander Pollock

BARNETT ALEXANDER POLLOCK was born in October, 1861 in Oregon,7905 and died February 28, 1909 in Galice, Josephine, Oregon.7905

He married ALMA BELL IRVINE on March 17, 1889 in Ashland, Jackson, Oregon,10619 daughter of MELISSA V. GIBSON and JOHN MICHAEL IRVINE. She was born in 1869 in Missouri, and died October 24, 1904 in Golden, Josephine, Oregon.10512


  1. VERA MARY POLLOCK, b. March 19, 1890, Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon;7905 m. (1) CLAUDE RAYMOND CLEVELAND on June 6, 1908 in Glendale, Douglas, Oregon10514, m. (2) JOHN DANIEL TAYLOR; d. May 29, 1926, Klamath Falls, Klamath, Oregon.7905
  2. VANCE NEALY POLLOCK, b. March 10, 1890, Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon;8 m. (1) ETHEL RAINEY on April 18, 1915 in Polk County, Oregon8219, m. (2) BEULAH CORA SMITH on August 1, 1924 in Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon8219, m. (3) DAISY MAY KEE; d. August 25, 1969, Shelton, Mason, Washington.988
  3. LOIS DORIS POLLOCK, b. March 14, 1894;56 m. SAMUEL LOWELL BUELL on October 2, 1911 in Dallas, Polk, Oregon8219; d. February 18, 1970, Greeley, Weld, Colorado.10517
  4. EVA GENEVIEVE POLLOCK, b. April 13, 1895, Oregon;7905 m. THOMAS TURNER MILLER on August 31, 1913 in Polk County, Oregon8219; d. November 23, 1923, Salem, Marion, Oregon.7905
  5. ARCHIE ECLUS POLLOCK, b. May 21, 1896, Grants Pass, Josephine, Oregon;9454 m. LETHA HATTIE RAY on June 9, 1917 in Polk County, Oregon8219; d. March 7, 1965, Humboldt County, California.250
  6. BABY POLLOCK, b. October, 1898;10621 d. February 9, 1899, Winona, Josephine, Oregon.10621
  7. HOLLIE POLLOCK, b. 1899; d. November 30, 1923, Salem, Marion, Oregon.7905
  8. BERTHA IRENE POLLOCK, b. March 30, 1902, Oregon;10520 m. CECILE ARSHAL BUELL on November 8, 1919 in Dallas, Polk, Oregon8219; d. November 23, 1994, Paradise, Butte, California.10520
  9. CECIL MARION POLLOCK, b. June 4, 1904, Golden, Josephine, Oregon;10620 m. (1) EDITH LEDORA FOLLETT on January 15, 1924 in Yreka, Siskiyou, California10631, m. (2) FERN EDNA WOLFF on June 18, 1933 in Medford, Jackson, Oregon8219, m. (3) VICTORIA BLANCHE WATERS on May 25, 1951 in Carson City, Nevada296; d. July 24, 1980, Shasta County, California.250
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Marriage Announcements and News

Democratic Times, March 28, 188910619

On Sunday, March 17th, Rev. H. P. Satchwell of Ashland joined in matrimony B. A. Pollard and Miss Alena Irvine, both of Klamath county. The ceremony was performed at the residence of J. R. Tozer in Ashland, the bride being a cousin of the latter's wife.

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Weekly Rogue River Courier, October 27, 190410512

POLLOCK—At Golden, Ore., Monday, October 24, 1904, Mrs. Alma Pollock.

The death of Mrs. Pollock was caused by consumption, with which complaint she has been ill for some time. She leaves a husband, B. A. Pollock and a family of small children.


Weekly Rogue River Courier, March 5, 190910511

Terrible Accident

One of those shocking events which from time to time disturb a community happened at Galice last Sunday night. Barnett A. Pollock, an employe of the Harvey placer mine, had the night shift and was on duty piping. At the time he was alone, the balance of the night force being temporarily in another part of the mine, and on their return they found the bank had caved and that Pollock had been caught beneath it and smothered, though the dirt was away from his head and face. It was quite plain to be seen that the giant which he was operating had washed the earth away from his head after his death. The body was removed and an inquest held, the jury fining that death was accidental.

Eclus Pollock, his cousin, went down Monday morning and brought the body to this city, and on Tuesday the funeral was held, Rev. F. C. Lovett officiating. The interment took place at Pleasant Valley cemetery.

Barnett A. Pollock came to this county with his parents when he was a child. At the time of his death he was in his 47th year. Three years ago his wife died, leaving him the care of eight children. The oldest were a pair of twins, a girl and a boy, now in their 19th year. The youngest child is 5 or 6 years old, and this, with one or two others, is at the Pollock home in this city, living with their grandmother.

This is one of the saddest events we have had to record for a long time.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 17, 187010506Iowa, Doniphan, Kansas
June 10, 188010507Ashland, Jackson, Oregon
June 12, 190010508Leland, Josephine, Oregon
