
Lucy Eppenine Wood and Cornelius Worcester Shedd

CORNELIUS WORCESTER SHEDD, son of ELIZA ROWELL and REV. CHARLES F. SHEDD, was born May 29, 1833 in Meriden, Sullivan, New Hampshire,2363 and died July 26, 1920.456 He is buried in Friendship Cemetery, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.456

He married LUCY EPPENINE WOOD on August 7, 1862 in Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi.4578, 4598 She was born September 6, 1839 in Laurens, Laurens, South Carolina,456 and died January 7, 1921 in Meridan, Lauderdale, Mississippi.456, 4603 She is buried in Friendship Cemetery, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.456, 4603


  1. CHARLES JOHN SHEDD, b. May 31, 1863, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa, Alabama;12314 d. September 11, 1869, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi.12314
  2. LUCY ELIZA SHEDD, b. March 2, 1865; m. WILLIAM MITCHEL HARRIS on March 14, 1883 in Lowndes County, Mississippi4578; d. May 4, 1947.456
  3. MINNIE ELIZABETH SHEDD, b. August 6, 1870, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi;12314 d. October 6, 1877, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi.12314
  4. GEORGE LEROY SHEDD, b. June 19, 1873, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi;12314 d. January 7, 1888, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi;456, 12314 bur. Friendship Cemetery, Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi.456
  5. SIDNEY SAMUEL SHEDD, b. September 6, 1875, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi;12314 d. November 22, 1878, Caledonia, Lowndes, Mississippi.12314
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Marriage Announcements and News

Columbus Commercial, August 8, 19124598


Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shedd Have Experienced Fifty Years of Wedded Bliss

Yesterday marked the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shedd, and many tokens of love and esteem came to them in shape of presents and letters from friends both far and nar, the letters having congratulated them upon their good fortune in being spared to love and comfort each other for such a long period and presents, some of which were very costly, having expressed in a more substantial way the love and esteem in which they are held by their friends.

On account of the fact that Mr. Shedd was unable to leave his business yesterday, the celebration of the anniversary was postponed until next Sunday, when the happy couple will receive congratulations at the home of their daughter, Mrs. William Harris, near Steens, who will entertain in their honor.

Mr. and Mrs. Shedd were married at the home of the bride's father, the late John Wood, at Caldonia, August 7th, 1862, and although the passing years have brought sorrows as well as joys, their devotion has been unwavering and they have been continuously happy in their mutual love.

Among the letters received by Mr. and Mrs. Shedd which they appreciate most highly is one which came from Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Lewis. Mr. Lewis, who was formerly pator of the First Methodist church here, is now stationed at Memphis, and the following beautiful paragraph from the letter may be appropriately quoted:

"You have proven to the world how true love can win the victory over all conditions, and make home a heaven on earth. The truth is, dear friends, you have done more for the world than you think. Your beautiful love, your noble lives, your devotion to the church and to Christ, is a sermon more eloquent than any minister can preach. May our Heavenly Father bless you both and all your posterity."

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Newspaper Articles

Columbus Commercial, June 3, 19154601

Eighty-Second Birthday.

Mr. C. W. Shedd was eighty-two years of age last Sunday and he and his wife were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Nickles, on North Third avenue. A number of friends and relatives were also invited to celebrate the event.

Mr. Shedd holds the position as engineer at the Tombigbee Cotton Mills and enjoys the best of health. His friends wish for him many years more of health and happiness.


Columbus Dispatch, May 30, 19204607


Today is Mr. C. W. Shedd's eighty-seventh birthday. An honored citizen of Columbus, the return of the anniversary of his birth will be celebrated by himself and good wife and a large circle of relatives and friends.

For all these years he has occupied the position of engineer of the Tombigbee Mills, one of the largest industrial plants of this city and he meets its exacting requirements with fidelity and efficienty. Mr. Shedd goes to work at six in the morning and remains on duty until half-past five in the afternoon and hours of labor do not bother him for he is rendering conscientious service and is happy.

Here's hoping that many more birthdays may crowd into his useful and honorable life.


Columbus Dispatch, August 1, 19204599


Mrs. C. W. Shedd, who was seriously ill following her collapse when her husband, Mr. C. W. Shedd, died the past week, has been carried to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will Harris, in the Steens neighborhood, where she is receiving every care and attention that love and gratitude can suggest. Mrs. Shedd is smong her friends and relatives and loved ones and all hope that she will survive her shock and be restored to her usual good health again.

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Columbus Dispatch, August 4, 19204600

There was a veil of sadness and sorrow cast over this section on last Monday when the sad news reached Caledonia that the soul of Mr. C. W. Shedd had been wafted home to heaven by a convoy of holy angles [sic], after spending a long and usful [sic] life on earth, trying to make the world better by having lived in it. Everybody was his friend, for to know him was to love and honor this high-toned Christian gentleman. For a long number of years he lived one mile from Caledonia, where he and Mr. Wm. Nickles owned and operated the Shedd and Nickles' wheat and corn mill, carding factory, saw mill and cotton gin, which has long since gone down and is only remembered by a few of the older citizens. In the passing of Mr. Shedd, one of the old land marks has passed from our midst, one by one, these old pioneers are dropping by the wayside and will soon be numbered with the many things of the past.


Columbus Dispatch, January 9, 19214603


After a long and useful life, death came to Mrs. C. W. Shedd yesterday morning at a sanitarium in Meridian. Mrs. Shedd had gone to the sanitarium for treatment several weeks ago.

Since the death of her husband, last July, Mrs. Shedd had been in feeble health.

Deceased was in her eighty-first year. She was a native of Lawrence county, South Carolina, having moved to this city when she was eleven years of age.

Mrs. Shedd was loved and esteemed by all who knew her. She numbered her friends by the hundreds. She was a gentle and lovable character, and was never so happy as when making others happy.

She is survived by numerous relatives in all this section, among them a sister, Mrs. W. M. Harris, of steens; ten nieces and nephews, Messrs. W. A., W. S., and Nat Nickles, Mrs. Lucy Gaston, Mrs. C. A. Eubanks, Mrs. J. D. McCullough, Alice Stewart, J. G. and W. H. Wood, Mrs. Payne, of Greenville, and Mr. J. W. Jones.

Grandchildren surviving her are:

C. C. Harris, Los Angeles, Calif.; William Harris, Steens; Gid Harris, Steens; Sidney Harris, Steens; Misses Annette and Neppie Harris, Steens; Mrs. T. W. Townsend, Columbus; Mrs. Frank Jones, Birmingham.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the First Presbyterian Church. The pastor, Rev. Jesse C. Rowan, will officiate.

The following named gentlemen will act as pall-bearers:

Messrs J. B. Williams, L. E. Mayfield, F. P. Phillips, B. A. Lincoln, L. W. Stevens and L. B. Divelbiss.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
August 28, 18502369Campton, Grafton, New Hampshire
August 1, 18604581Pitchers Beat, Tuscaloosa, Alabama
  • Cornelius Worcester Shedd
August 4, 18704595Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi
June 15, 18804580Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi
  • Cornelius Worcester Shedd
  • Lucy Eppenine Wood
  • Lucy Eliza Shedd
  • George Leroy Shedd
June 2, 19004575Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi
  • Cornelius Worcester Shedd
  • Lucy Eppenine Wood
April 15, 19101041Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi
January 9, 19204577Columbus, Lowndes, Mississippi
  • Cornelius Worcester Shedd
  • Lucy Eppenine Wood
