
Families of Eva Luella Fisher

EVA LUELLA FISHER, daughter of MABEL CARRIE HOUSTON and FREDERICK LEE FISHER, was born February 24, 1919 in Valley, Page, Iowa,1884 and died February 16, 2016.456 She is buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver, Denver, Colorado.456

She married (1) DELBERT MERWIN HICKS on April 24, 1943 in Parsonage, First Methodist Church, Boise, Ada, Idaho.4949 He was born July 4, 1916,456 and died January 27, 1944 in Africa.456, 4960 He is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Clarinda, Page, Iowa.456

She married (2) STANLEY CLARENCE MOYER on November 10, 1946 in Villisca Methodist Church, Page County, Iowa.4961 He was born September 4, 1919,456 and died May 11, 1961.456 He is buried in Fort Logan National Cemetery, Denver, Denver, Colorado.456


  1. Daughter


  1. Daughter
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Delbert M. Hicks

Stanley C. Moyer

Eva L. Fisher

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Military Service

Stanley C. Moyer

Delbert M. Hicks

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Marriage Announcements and News

Clarinda Herald-Journal, May 13, 19434949


NORTH PAGE, (Special) — On Saturday, April 24, at 4 p.m. at the First Methodist parsonage at Boise, Idaho, Eva Luell Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Fisher of southwest of Villisca, became the bride of Sgt. Delbert Merwin Hicks, son of Mrs. R. M. Hicks of Clarinda.

The double ring ceremony was read by Rev. Thomas Acheson. The bride wore a light blue crepe with a pink rose corsage, and the groom wore the uniform of the United States army. The decorations were Easter lilies. Mrs. Zilla Elford of Iowa and Mrs. Thomas Acheson of Idaho acted as witnesses.

The bride was reared and education in the North Page community and graduated from Clarinda high school in 1937. Mrs. Hicks has been employed at the Parris-Dunn Corp in Clarinda until recently when she went to Boise.

Mr. Hicks was a Clarinda boy and also graduated from Clarinda high school. Prior to his call to the armed forces, he was employed at the Lisle Mfg. Co. at Clarinda.

Sgt. and Mrs. Hicks are making their home at 1411 1/2 North 16th Street, Boise, Idaho.


Clarinda Herald-Journal, November 11, 19464961

Candlelight Service Read For Eva Hicks, Phillip Moyer

Eva L. Hicks, daughter of Mr and Mrs Fred L Fisher of the North Page vicinity and S/Sgt Stanley C Moyer, son of Phillip Moyer of Villisca, Ia. were married Sunday, Nov 3, at 7:30, at the Villisca Methodist church in a candlelight ceremony.

Rev E M Beuhler read the double ring ceremony in the presence of one hundred relatives and friends.

After the organ music by Mrs Jack Wheeler, Mrs Iole Fisher sang "I Love You Truly" and Mrs Wheeler continued the music while Miss Dorothy Meuhirter and Mrs Donald Patton, attired in white formals and with corsages marched in and let the candles. Mrs Iole Fisher then sang "Always". While the Lohengren wedding march was played Rev Beuhler, Jay Noates, best man, and Kenneth Bowman, in dark blue suits, and the bride groom, in army uniform, to their places at the altar.

Zella Castle, matron of honor and classmate of the bride, attired in an aqua formal, with corsage of pink and white chrysanthemums, and Mary Bowman, maid of honor, sister of the groom, attired in a black formal with corsage of pink and white chrysanthemums, entered. Flower girls were Delera Ann, daughter of the bride, and Guila Fisher, niece of the bride, dressed alike in red and white jumpers and white blouses, carrying hand bouquets of mums.

The bride wore a white satin formal and a fingertip veil and wore her mother's diamond locket, and carried a bouquet of pink and white chrysanthemums with rosebuds in the streamers. She was given in marriage by her father.

The bride's mother was dressed in black with a corsage of white chrysanthemums and orchid sweet peas. Mrs Bess Weaver aunt of the birdegroom was dressed in old rose with a corsage of chrysanthemums.

The ushers were Donald Patton and Warren F Carper.

After the congratulations the reception was held immediately in the basement where Mr and Mrs Donald Fisher were host and hostess. Mrs Adla Moates and Miss Dorothy Kehr had charge of the gifts. Vernon Fisher took care of the guest book and Mrs Vernon Fisher poured. The centerpiece at the bride's table was a beautiful three tier wedding cake made by Mrs Donald Fisher and decorated in red white and blue, also candles and little flags.

The waitresses were Mrs Hilda Minge, Mrs Lucille Speed Mrs Osten Zabec and Mrs Jessie Bonsell.

The bride graduated from the Clarinda high school in 1937 and the groom graduated from the Villesca high school in 1936. He has served in the army ten years and was overseas 29 months in the European theatre. The bride's going away dress was aqua trimmed in gold with necklace to match and black accessories. The couple left immediately for a two week honeymoon trip and after Dec 1st they will be at home in Salina, Kansas.

Out-of-town guests attending the wedding were Mr and Mrs George Whitmarsh Creston; Mr and Mrs Roy Mahrenholz, Mr and Mrs Johnnie Mahrenholz and Keith; Mrs Jessie Bonsell and Mr and Mrs James Chewn, all of Council Bluffs; and Mr and Mrs Osten Zabec and Judy Carol, Waterloo.

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Clarinda Herald-Journal, February 3, 19444960

Seargeant Delbert Hicks Killed In Plane Crash


Location of Flyer Not Known Until Wife, Near Villisca, Was Notified of Plane Crash

First news of S/Sgt Delber M. Hicks, son of Mrs. R. M. Hicks of Clarinda, since he left the United States as a member of a bomb squadron of the army air force was received Thursday morning. A telegram notified Sgt. Hicks' wife that he had died as a result of a plane crash in Africa.

The telegram fromt the adjutant general's office in Washington was sent to Mrs. Hicks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher near Villasca. The family here had a letter from San Francisco, Calif. January 2 telling that he had met John Whitehill, a former Clarinda boy. Next word was notice that S/Sgt Hicks' address was APO, c/o postmaster at New York City.

Sgt. Hicks had told them he expected to fly across, but the family knew nothing of when he had made the crossing. Nor did the telegram state whether the crash was of a transport plane or other type.

Sgt. Hicks had entered the service in May, 1942, serving at Sioux City, Iowa, Salt Lake City, Utah, and last at Tonapah, Nev. before being sent across with his bombing squadron. He was attached to the medical unit. He was married last April to Eva Luella Fisher who has been with him much of the intervening months. Mrs. Hicks was formerly employed in Clarinda, and Sgt. Hicks was a former Lisle Corporation employe.


Clarinda Herald-Journal, June 17, 19484959


Word has been received that the body of Delbert Hicks arrived in Bedford Saturday at 8:15 from Kansas City. Funeral services will be held at the Walker funeral home June 27 at 2 p.m. and interment will be in the Oak Grove cemetery.

Sgt. Hicks was killed early in 1944, in a place crash, just after his arrival overseas. He was attached to a medical unit in a bombing squadron.

Upon request of relatives his body was shipped back and sent to the American Graves distribution center from where it was sent here.


Windsor Beacon, February 28, 20169427

Eva Luella Moyer

Eva Luella Moyer was born February 24, 1919 to Mabel C. Houston Fisher and Fred L. Fisher on a farm southwest of Villisca, Iowa. She was one of five children — Vernon Edward, Ruth Maurine (Brownlee), Donald Houston and Mary Rosalyn (Bowman). Those preceding her in death are her parents, two brothers, one sister, two husbands and her daughter, DeLeva. Surviving her is her sister Mary Bowman, her daughter Catherine (Moyer) Wiggen, son-in-law J. B. Barthlama, granddaughters Robyn King and Amber Cullins, grandson Scott Barthlama, great-granddaughter Carissa King, and great-grandsons Joshua King, Braden Cullins and Cameron Cullins. She also leave many nephews and nieces and their children.

A memorial service will be held at a later date, with final burial next to her second husband's site at Ft. Logan National Cemetery, Denver, Colorado.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
January 29, 19203852Valley, Page, Iowa
April 5, 19303139Valley, Page, Iowa
April 27, 19403854Dougals, Page, Iowa
