
Mazie Stambaugh and Moses Messersmith

MOSES MESSERSMITH married MAZIE STAMBAUGH on January 5, 1907 in York County, Pennsylvania,6028 daughter of EMMA ALVERTA HAAR and JOSEPH STAMBAUGH. She was born March 8, 1882 in York County, Pennsylvania,3985 and died June 12, 1952 in Hanover General Hospital, York County, Pennsylvania.3985 She is buried in Paradise (Holtzschwamm) Lutheran Church Cemetery, Thomasville, York, Pennsylvania.3985

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York Dispatch, June 12, 195212366

Mrs. Moses Messersmith

SPRING GROVE, June 12.—Mrs. Mazie L. Messersmith, 70 years old, wife of Moses G. Messersmith, Thomasville R. D. 1, died at 5:30 a. m. today at the Hanover General Hospital. SHe was admitted to the institution yesterday. A daughter of the late Joseph and Emma Haar Stambaugh, she leaves in addition to her husband, five brothers, Harry, Norman, Bert E. and Theophilus Stambaugh, all of York, and Isaac S. Stambaugh, Lewes, Del., and a siter, Mrs. Oscar May, York. She was a member of the Lutheran congregation of the Paradise (Holtzschwamm) Union Church. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Sauter Funeral Home, North Main street, this place. The Rev. George Clark, Lutheran pastor at Holtzschwamm, will officiate. he will be assisted by the Rev. J. Monroe Danner, Church of the Brethren minister, Burial will be in the cemetery at Holtzschwamm Union Church.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 4, 19002974Paradise, York, Pennsylvania
April 18, 19102976Paradise, York, Pennsylvania
  • Mazie Stambaugh
  • Moses Messersmith
