
Alice Newell and George Wallis Strother

GEORGE WALLIS STROTHER was born October 12, 1874,456 and died December 14, 1910 in Fresno, Fresno, California.456 He is buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.456

He married ALICE NEWELL on January 6, 1897,10771 daughter of ALICE J. HOUSTON and WHIPPLE SPAULDING NEWELL. She was born December 1, 1872,456 and died June 7, 1901 in Kansas City.456, 8963 She is buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.456


  1. NEWELL WALLIS STROTHER, b. April 6, 1898;7768 d. June 25, 1974, Sedalia, Pettis, Missouri.8965
  2. GRACE ELIZABETH STROTHER, b. August 31, 1900;56 m. THOMAS LELAND YANCEY on June 7, 1928 in Glendale, Los Angeles, California8985; d. February, 1983.56

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Marriage Announcements and News

Saline County Citizen, January 9, 189711217


Wedding of Mr. Wallace Strother and Miss Alice Newell

Mr. Wallace Strother son of Judge John P. Strother of Fresno California, led to the altar Wednesday afternoon, Miss Allie Newell of this city, daughter of one of our prominent citizens, Mr. W. S. Newell. The marriage took place at Mr. Newell's residence and was very quiet. Rev. J. Jansen of the M. E. church was the officiating clergyman. The happy groom, came all the way back from California to wed the playmate and companion of his childhood days. He is a very bright young man with a tendency to that greatest of forces in modern science, electricity. He studied and practiced telegraphy in Marshall and now is an expert operator. His father was State Senator from this district, but went to California a few years ago; but time, space nor mountains could separate the two young lovers as the event of Wednesday showed. The fair young bride is one of the most charming of Marshall's maidens, and her father is one of our leading and most influential enterprising citizens, a member of our School Board and always at the front in any movement for the public good. The happy pair will soon set out for the Golden State and spend the most of their honeymoon amid the bright scenes and sunny vineyards, and beneath the glowing skies of California.

Our best wish for them is that they may be so monotonously happy, and that they will so prosper, that they will need a dash of Missouri variety and come back to God's country for a change.s

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Marshall Republican, June 14, 19018963

Mrs. Alice M. Strother

Mrs. Alice M. Strother, wife of G. W. Strother, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Newell of this city, died Friday night June 7th, at 9 o'clock in Kansas City, where she was taken some two weeks before, for treatment by a specialist.

So young to die, only 28 years, 6 months and 6 days of earth, where she spent her life for others. Her family came first as the object of her unselfish devotion, but she freely lavished her kindly spirit upon others, who came her way.

Her simple faith in God impressed itself upon the minds of all who knew her, having given herself to her savior when a small child. Her life was that of a consecrated child of God and while death had no terrors for her, yet her dying after four short years of married life is especially sad. A husband whose devotion is well known to all, two little children, Newell Wallace aged 3 years and an infant, Grace Elizabeth, aged 9 months, a father, mother and two brothers, are left heart broken at this dispensation of Providence.

About fifteen months ago she had an attack of grip, which left her with a cough. Her little daughter was born in August and for awhile she seemed to gain her strength, but the little cough continued and in September her physician pronounced her trouble to be consumption. She was taken immediately to California by her husband and mother; after remaining all winter, they by the advice of her physician took her to New Mexico. After a short stay there it was decided that she was not gaining anything, but growing gradually weaker and she was brought home, but they determined as a last resort to take her to Kansas City to a specialist with the above results.

The death of this lovely christian woman brings sorrow to many a heart, as none knew her but to love her.

The remains arrived in Marshall Saturday morning on the 10:38 train and were taken to the residence, where the funeral was held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mr. Lehr of the First M. E. church. Burial at Ridge Park.

The pall bearers were as follows: A. L. Jurden, John Adams, Harry Francisco, William Walker, Jr., T. W. Lacy and Ben Striker.

The Republican extends sympathy to the bereaved family and relatives.


Weekly Democrat News, December 17, 191010771


Passes Away at Fresno, Cal., After a Weeks Illness of Pneumonia

F. C. Barnhill received a telegram Thursday morning from Fresno, California, dated Wednesday, Dec. 14, which was as follows: "Wallace died today, after a weeks illness, will bury him in Marshall." The telegram also requests that the Masons have charge of the burial.

Wallace Strother, was was the son of the late Hon. John P. Strother, was about 34 years old, and was born and reared in this city. He was married to Miss Alice Newell, daughter of our townsman, W. S. Newell, Jan. 6, 1897, and about four years later, the young wife died, leaving two children, Grace and Newell Strother, who survive the father. The deceased, who was a man of great nobility of character and one who was genuinely true in every relation of life, moved from Saline to Fresno, which his children, and sister, Miss Pearler Strother, who has had charge of the children since the death of their mother, last August. He secured a position at once with the Earl Fruit company and we learn from those with whom he corresponded, that he was much pleased with California. The telegram did not say that he died with pneumonia, but a letter, received by Huston Bell, from Newell Strother, in the past day or two said that his father was sick with pneumonia. The arrangements for the funeral will be attended to by the Masons but as it will take several days for the remains to reach here, it is thought the funeral and burial will not take place before the first or middle of next week. The news of this death brings sadness and regret to those who knew Mr. Strother intimately. He had been reared in the faith of the M. E. Church, South, and was a member of that church, he was also a devoted and enthusiastic Mason and was every ready to aid in the advancement of the order. In addition to his children, his mother and several brothers and two sisters survive him. They are Miss Pearler and Nell Strother, Syd L., and French Strother, all of Fresno; Henry and Walter of New York City and A. R. Strother, an attorney of Kansas City.


Marshall Republican, December 23, 19108962

G. WALLIS STROTHER. We briefly noted the death last week of G. Wallis Strother, who died after a week's illness of pneumonia in Fresno, California. He was 30 years, 1 month and 2 days old.

Mr. Strother was a son-in-law of W. S. Newell, and his wife who was Miss Alice Newell, preceded him in death in June 1901 leaving two small children who are now being cared for by the groom's mother and sister in California.

Mr. Strother was in business here with Mr. Newell until the past summer when he moved west. He was an unusually fine young man, was a good business man, and highly esteemed. His death is a sad loss to his children and causes sorrow to his many friends.

His body was sent to Marshall and taken in charge by Undertaker Walker and laid to rest in Ridge Park Monday afternoon. He was a member of the Marshal Masonic lodge and the funeral was conducted with their rites. A large concourse was present, many from a distance, to pay last respects to this good man taken away in the prime of life.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 4, 18808957Grand Pass, Saline, Missouri
July 3, 19003860Marshall, Saline, Missouri
May 17, 19108964Marshall, Saline, Missouri
