
Families of Delbert Florell Clark

DELBERT FLORELL CLARK was born October 23, 1874,21 and died April 13, 1963.1514 He is buried in Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska.1514

He married (1) SUSAN HESTER SHEPARD on February 22, 1899 in Ashland, Saunders, Nebraska,21, 7780 daughter of SUSAN HESTER BALLOU and CHARLES FRANCIS SHEPARD. She was born February 22, 1874 in Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska,21 and died October 26, 1920 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.1514, 7781 She is buried in Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska.1514, 7781

He married (2) EDNA MABEL STANLEY on October 29, 1925 in Havelock, Lancaster, Nebraska,7782 daughter of ELIZABETH ANNE BALLOU and LUCIEN BLISS STANLEY. She was born August 1, 1874 in Ohio,3560 and died January 24, 1936 in Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska.1514, 4312 She is buried in Ashland Cemetery, Saunders County, Nebraska.1514 She married (1) Norris L. Thomas May 17, 1913 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio.2373


  1. HESTER KATHERINE CLARK, b. 1902, Nebraska;1514 d. February 17, 1948, Lansing, Michigan.1514, 2882

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Personal Information

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Work History

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Marriage Announcements and News

Ashland Gazette, February 24, 18997780


At high noon on Wednesday, February 22, 1899, at the home of the bride's parents in this city, Miss Susie H. Shepard of Ashland and Mr. Delbert F. Clark of Bloomington, Neb., were united in marriage, Rev. C. P. Hackney officiating.

The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties, amid a profusion of floral decorations, consisting of cut flowers and potted plants, arranged with elegant effect.

When the hour of the ceremony arrived, the bridal party was ushered in by the father and mother of the bride to the music of a wedding march played by Miss Mable Stanley, and took their places under a beautiful arch of cut flowers. The bride was attired in a gown of dotted silk and carried a bouquet of cut roses, while the groom wore the conventional black.

The venerable minister in a few solemn words pronounced the formula that united them for life, making the occasion impressive by his words of fatherly counsel and advice. After the ceremony was ended and the congratulations of the guests extended, the wedding party sat down to a sumptuous repast, the tables literally burdened with the most delicious eatables.

There were a large number of very beautiful and useful presents, tokens of the high esteem in which these popular young people are held.

The bride and groom went to Lincoln on the evening train to visit friends for a few days, after which they will return to Ashland for a short time, and they go to their home near Edgar, Neb. The best wishes of a multitude of friends accompany them to their new home.


Ashland Gazette, October 29, 19257782


Miss Mable Stanley and Delbert F. Clark were married at Havelock Thursday at 10 o'clock, at the home of the groom. They wil make their home in Lincoln. Both Mr. and Mrs. Clark are well known in Ashland. Mr. Clark is a brother of Verne Clark of North Ashland and Mrs. Clark is a sister of Mr. A. B. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Clark attended the wedding.

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Newspaper Articles

Lincoln Star, April 10, 19324051

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert F. Clark, formerly of 3864 Orchard, who have recently moved to Hickman, are having as Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Zeigler of Lincoln and Mrs. Zeigler's father, L. M. Rowe of La Grange, Ind.


Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star, October 2, 19384290


Employed by Burlington in Lincoln 39 Years.

D. F. Clark,706 So. 32nd, Burlington warehouse delivery clerk, can settle back now and look about the world a little. He retires after working 39 years for the Burlington in Lincoln. "I've seen the Burlington change from a little company to the vast organization it is now," he said. "I've enjoyed the work, and you can say that I've been a reader of The Journal all these years."

Clark came to Lincoln in 1899 to work for the Burlington. He was in the freight house six and one-half years, then went to the freight yards, where he was in the general yardmaster's office 26 years. He was chief clerk ten years of that time. In 1930 he returned to freight house, and he has been delivery clerk since that time.

The Burlington veteran will continue to live at Lincoln, but he plans to travel a little, seeing America first. He will go to East Lansing, Mich., to visit his daughter, Hester, who is on the faculty of the Michigan State college, and who was formerly a teacher at York.

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Ashland Gazette, October 28, 19207781


Susie Shepard Clark, 46 years old, died at 6:25 a. m. Tuesday, October 26, at her home in Lincoln, Nebr. She leaves, besides her husband, Delbert F. Clark, a daughter, Hester; two brothers, M. E. and R. B. Shepard, both of Lincoln, and a sister, Mrs. V. O. Black, living in Ashland.

The funeral services were held at the home in Lincoln Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, after which the body was brought here fro burial in the Ashland cemetery.


Lincoln Evening Journal, January 30, 19269673


Petition for probate of the will of Mabel Clark was filed wednesday in county court. Her will makes a few bequests and places sthe residue of her estate in trust, the income to go to her husband, Delbert F. Clark, during his life. A bequest of her home place is made to her stepdaughter, Hester K. Clark. Shares of the City Ice & Fuel company are dsiposed of at her husband's death, 100 shares to Lillian Stanley Starns, Ashland; fifty shares to Lucille Gunther, fifty to Elizabeth Scott, and fifty to Adelbert D. Stanley. The First Trust company is trustee and executor.


Lincoln Star, January 24, 19364312

Mrs. Mabel Clark, 62, Passes Away Friday

Mrs. Mabel S. Clark, 62, died at her home, 706 South Thirty-second street, at 3:30 o'clok Friday morning. She had lived in Lincoln for about 10 years and was a member of the Second Presbyterian church, ladies aid and Queen Esther society. Surviving are her husband, Delbert F.; one daughter, Hester of York and one brother, A. B. Stanley of Ashland. The body is at Hodgman's.


Ashland Gazette, February 6, 19367789

Mrs. Mable Clark is Laid to Rest Last Monday

Funeral Services Were Held In Lincoln For Former Resident

Funeral services for Mrs. Mable Clark were held at 1 p. m. a week ago Monday at Hodgman's with Rev. W. M. Swartzelder in charge.

Mable Stanley Clark was born in Cleveland, Ohio, August 2, 1874, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. She departed this life January 24, 1936, at Lincoln after a short illness.

Her girlhood was spent in Ashland, where she is survived by a host of friends. In 1898 she moved back to Cleveland, Ohio, with her parents, where she resided and took care of her mother who was an invalid for many years.

On October 28, 1925, one year after her mother's death, she was married to Delbert Clark, who survives her. A step-daughter, Hester Clark, one brother, A. B. Stanley of Ashland, and three nieces and on nephew also survive. She also leaves an aunt Mrs. Jessie Ballou.

After a short service at the grave the body was laid to rest in the Ashland cemetery.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 4, 1880292Clear Creek, Saunders, Nebraska
June 21, 18802436Waverly, Lancaster, Nebraska
June 1, 1900177Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
  • Susan Hester Shepard
  • Delbert Florell Clark
June 11, 1900752Collinwood, Cuyahoga, Ohio
April 25, 1910176Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
April 30, 1910751Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio
January 2, 1920316Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
April 15, 1930315Lincoln, Lancaster, Nebraska
