
Families of Horace Everett Shedd

HORACE EVERETT SHEDD, son of CAROLINE LITTLE BUTLER and HENRY EVARTS SHEDD, was born September 6, 1864 in Zumbrota, Goodhue, Minnesota,182 and died March 18, 1943 in Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia.182 He is buried in Walnut Grove Cemetery, Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia.182

He married (1) ALICE IRENE CROSS on October 16, 1890 in Birmingham, Jefferson, Alabama.4608 She was born August 13, 1864 in Vermont,182 and died July 24, 1932 in Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia.182 She is buried in Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia.182

He married (2) MARGARET CLEMENTINE SPEIDEN on January 14, 1933 in Princeton, Mercer, West Virginia.1788


  1. CLYDE EVERETT SHEDD, b. April 4, 1893, Elgin, Illinois;8 d. October 16, 1918, Fleville, France.2421, 1710
  2. FREDERICK RICHARDSON SHEDD, b. September 28, 1899, Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York;12312 m. (1) BESSIE MAY MATES on June 3, 1918 in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan4431, m. (2) ELLA JEAN HESSIN on March 28, 1937 in Grace Methodiest Episcopal Church, Springfield, Clark, Ohio12313; d. October 22, 1958, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio.763

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Marriage Announcements and News

Montgomery Advertiser, October 18, 189012309

Married in Birmingham

In Birmingham, at the rectory of the Church of the Advent, October 16th, Mr. Horace E. Sheed, of West Point, Miss, and Miss ALice J. Cross, of Montgomery.


Bluefield Daily Telegraph, January 15, 19335201

Mrs. Margaret C. Stallard Married To Mr. H. E. Shedd

Popular Bluefield Couple United At Princeton In Simple Ceremony Saturday Morning; After Ten Days Will Make Their Home On Stowers Street

In a quiet ceremony performed at Princeton, the marriage of Mrs. Margaret Clementine Stallard and Mr. Horace E. Shedd, both of Bluefield, was solemnized Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Shedd left immediately for a 10-day motor trip, after which they will make their home at the Shedd residence, 413 Stowers street.

News of the marriage comes as an interesting surprise to the friends of Mr. Shedd and his bridde, both of whom are among Bluefield's most popular and respected residents. For more than twenty years, Mr. Shedd has been associated with the Appalachian Electric Power company, formerly as general superintendent, and in recent years as safety director for all divisions, including Charleston, Huntington, Lynchburg and Bluefield. He is the father of Fred Shedd, who is connected with the Appalachian Electric Power company at Charleston. Another son, Clyde Shedd, was killed in action in France during the great World war. Mr. Shedd is a prominent member of the Bluefield Kiwanis club.

Mrs. Shedd, who has been engaged in nursing, is efficient in her profession, and has a host of friends throughout the community. She is the mother of Miss Lillian Stallard and Robert Stallard, and a sister of Miss Lillian Speiden.

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Bluefield Daily Telegraph, March 19, 19436710


Retired Safety Director for Utility Companies Passes At Home Here; Funeral Plans Not Completed

Horace Everett Shedd, 78, retired safety director for the Appalachian Electric Power company, Kentucky and West Virginia Power company, and Kingsport Utilities company, died suddenly yesterday morning at 8:30 at his home, 412 Stowers street, a victim of heart attack.

Funeral arrangements, which were not made pending the arrival of his son, Fred R. Shedd of New York, will be announced this morning.

Mr. Shedd had shown no previous illness and news of his death came as a shock to his many friends and acquaintances throughout this section. Mr. Shedd retired from active service with the power company on September 1, 1941, after spending thirty years with the Appalachian Electric Power company and had made his home in Bluefield during that entire time.

Mr. Shedd was twice married. His first wife died on July 24, 1932 and he later married Mrs. Margaret Speiden Stallard, of Bluefield. He is survived by his second wife and one son, Fred R. Shedd, who is the plant results engineer for the American Gas and Electric Service corporation of New York; and a step daughter, Miss Lillian Stallard, of Bluefield. One son, Lieut. Clyde Shedd, was killed in action during World War I.

Mr. Shedd was born September 6, 1864, at Zumbrota, Minn. He worked on a farm near Zumbrota until he was 20 years old, at which time he took a position in St. Paul, Minn., as fireman in a large apartment house.

From there he went to West Point, Miss., as superintendent of the Cotton Seed Oil mills. While in the south Mr. Shedd was married and returned with his bride to St. Paul, where he became chief engineer of the same apartment house.

He took a position in 1892 as chief engineer of a municipal electric street lighting plant in Elgin, Ill., and in 1898 accepted a position with the Niagara Falls Hydraulic Power company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. In 1902 he accepted a position with the General Electric company as assistant foreman while constructing the Niagara Falls Power company No. 2 plant. In 1903 Mr. Shedd was promoted as foreman in the electrical construction work of the Canadian Niagara Power plant for the General Electric company and in 1905 went with the Canadian Niagara Power company as its foreman of electrical maintenance.

In 1907 he returned to the General Electric company on steam turbine work in their Schenectady and Lynn factories.

From there he was sent by the General Electric company to California to become superintendent of the electric construction on their large water power plant.

Following this work, Mr. Shedd accepted a position as superintendent of the Great Western Power company whose offices were located in San Francisco, Calif. When this company sold their interests, Mr. Shedd accepted a position with the Appalachian Power company as general construction superintendent of high tension lines and substations, and had continued his activities with this company, now known as the Appalachian Electric Power company for 30 years.

For the last twelve years of his service with the company, Mr. Shedd had been safety director for the Appalachian Electric Power company, Kentucky and West Virginia Power company and the Kingsport Utilities, Inc. He had been active in state, county and national traffic, home and industrial safety work.

Mr. Shedd had made his home in Bluefield for the past 30 years and resided at 413 Stower street. Both Mr. and Mrs. Shedd were ardent lovers of flowers and birds and have one of this sections most beautiful rock gardens, on which is located a most unique log cabin. It has been a show place for flower lovers of this area and one is inspired with the beauty and hospitality of the lovely gardens and charming home.

Mr. Shedd was a member of the Bluefield chamber of commerce, past member of the Bluefield Country club and the Bluefield Kiwanis club. He was a member of the Film Strip committee of the National Safety council and had held other outstanding offices in this organization which is internationally known for its great humanitarian service in the saving of life, limb and property. He had always taken a most active interest in the Boy Scout movement, the Red Cross and had been most active in all the outstanding service, social and charitable organizations of the city.

Although he had been retired from active duty Mr. Shedd continued to manifest interest in the safety work of the companies which he had served and frequently attended safety meetings.

Upon his retirement N. M. Argabrite, operating vice president of the Appalachian Electric Power company, paid this tribute to Mr. Shedd:

"For many years I looked for a man to head a safety department, and I looked for a man who could inspire confidence in those whom he was trying to lead. I looked for a man whose soul was filled with the milk of human kindness—a man who loved his fellowmen and was in turn beloved by his fellowmen and with it all a strong and steady man who knew his business from the ground up. I finally found that man. It was our beloved Mr. Shedd and I personally am very grateful to him for what he has done for us."

Funeral services will be conducted sometime tomorrow, it was said.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
July 22, 18702411Minneola, Goodhue, Minnesota
May 1, 18752416Minneola, Goodhue, Minnesota
May 1, 18752415Minneola, Goodhue, Minnesota
June 21, 18802410Minneola, Goodhue, Minnesota
May 16, 1885617Zumbrota, Goodhue, Minnesota
June 13, 19002418Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York
April 22, 19102419Oakland, Alameda, California
January 19, 19202420Beaver Pond, Mercer, West Virginia
April 14, 19302422Bluefield, Mercer, West Virginia
  • Horace Everett Shedd
  • Alice Irene Cross
