
Ada Merry Sparks and James Henry Wallace

JAMES HENRY WALLACE, son of CHARLOTTE ANN HUSTON and WILLIAM H. WALLACE, was born in 1872 in Missouri,456 and died in 1960.456 He is buried in Belton Cemetery, Cass County, Missouri.456

He married ADA MERRY SPARKS on October 2, 1902 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri.8037, 12441 She was born June 9, 1873 in Marshall, Saline, Missouri,706 and died October 11, 1932 in Lee's Summit, Jackson, Missouri.706 She is buried in Ridge Park Cemetery, Marshall, Saline, Missouri.456

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Marriage Announcements and News

Saline County Weekly Progress, October 10, 190212441


Miss Ada Sparks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marlou Sparks, and Mrs. James H. Wallace were married last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the bride's home, 2601 Linwood boulevard. The library where the ceremony was performed was decorated with pink roses and palms, American Beauty roses and the hal and parlor were dressed with nasturtiums and autumn foliage. The bride was attended by Miss Julia Watts, of Louisiana, Mo., and Miss Ethel Sparks, who wore white Paris muslin gowns and carried white roses. The bride's robe was an exquisitely fashioned silk mull and her flowers were brides roses. The music was a particularly pleasing feature of the wedding and included tow songs, on "Thy Blue Eyes," rendered by Mr. Dudley Eaton, and the other, "If I Were a Bee," by Mrs. Newman Newell, of Marshall, Mo. The bride and groom entered the parlor to the strains of Mendelssohn's march, played by Miss Eulalia Conway. Mrs. Newman Newell, Miss Ethel Van Stone and Mrs. A. J. Graves, all of Marshall, Mo., and Miss Julia Watts, of Louisiana, Mo., were the out-of-town guests to attend the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace will be at home after November 1, at 2325 Park avenue.—Kansas City Journal.

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Saline County Citizen, October 13, 193212442


Sister of Mrs. Newman Newell Died in Kansas City

Mrs. Ada S. Wallace, daughter of the late Marion Sparks, Kansas City livestock dealer, died last night at her home in Lees Summit. Surviving are her husband, Henry Wallace of the home in Kansas City, five sisters, Mrs. Newman Newell also of Kansas City; Mrs. James Pirie, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Eva Price, Oak Park, Ill.; Mrs. Phillip Savage, Buffalo, and Mrs. J. C. Hisey, Beverly Hills, Calif., and three bothers, Frost Sparks and Clyde Sparks, both of St. Louis, and David Sparks, Montgomery, Ala.

The body, accompanied by relatives, will be brought to Marshall for burial at Ridge Park cemetery, arriving here about 3:30 o'clock this afternoon.

A short service will be held at the grave.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 9, 18801833Sherman, Cass, Missouri
April 20, 19104386Washington, Jackson, Missouri
  • James Henry Wallace
  • Ada Merry Sparks
January 12, 1920293Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri
  • James Henry Wallace
  • Ada Merry Sparks
April 19, 1930480Lee's Summit, Jackson, Missouri
  • James Henry Wallace
  • Ada Merry Sparks
April 15, 19402881Lee's Summit, Jackson, Missouri
  • James Henry Wallace
April 7, 195010157Washington, Jackson, Missouri
  • James Henry Wallace
