
Families of John Newton Wallace

JOHN NEWTON WALLACE, son of CHARLOTTE ANN HUSTON and WILLIAM H. WALLACE, was born in 1858 in Creighton, Cass, Missouri,456 and died February 28, 1926 in San Bernardino County, California.3893 He is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California.456

He married (1) ELIZA J. TAYLOR on December 3, 1885 in Cass County, Missouri.6425

He married (2) SARAH IDA HUSTON on December 7, 1898 in Nebraska City, Otoe, Nebraska,7657 daughter of MARY JANE ROWE and LUTHER HUSTON. She was born December 9, 1872 in Missouri,250 and died July 17, 1951 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California.250 She is buried in Mountain View Cemetery, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California.456


  1. LOLLIE WALLACE, b. September, 1887, Missouri.


  1. RUTH NELLIE WALLACE, b. January 24, 1900, Nebraska;250 m. GEORGE WALTER WALDEN on April 16, 1924 in Parsonage, First Methodist Church, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California8695; d. February 23, 1970, San Bernardino County, California.250
  2. GOLDIE M. WALLACE, b. April 27, 1905, Oklahoma;250 m. JESSE VALENTINE KERR; d. September 25, 1973, San Bernardino County, California.250
  3. GLADYS M. WALLACE, b. January 5, 1907, Snyder, Kiowa, Oklahoma;250, 8699 m. CLARENCE WILLIAM BYRD; d. October 31, 1974, San Bernardino County, California.250
  4. RAY ARTHUR WALLACE, b. June 12, 1909, Oklahoma;250 d. November 7, 1987, San Bernardino County, California.250
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San Bernardino Daily Sun, March 2, 192611799


John Newton Wallace passed away on Sunday afternoon at a San Bernardino hospital, after a brief illness. He was 68 years old and a native of Illinois. He had been a resident of this city for the past 10 years. He was a member of Lodge No. 7974, Modern Woodmen of America, of this city.

Surviving are four children, Mrs. Ruth Waldon and Mrs. Gladys Byrd of Ludlow and Mrs. Goldie Curr and Arthur Wallace of San Bernardino.

Last rites will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Methodist church, with the Rev. W. C. Loomis officiating. Interment will be in the Mountain View, with the Mark B. Shaw company in charge.


San Bernardino Daily Sun, March 3, 192611798


Funeral services for John Newton Wallace was held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Methodist church, with the pastor, the Rev. W. C. Loomis, officiating. The church was well filled with friends, and many flowers attested to the esteem in which the deceased was held by church members, as well as by friends and relatives. Mr. W. R. Farrells and Mrs. Lloyd Martin sang the selection, "Still, Still With Thee," "Rock of Ages" and "Crossing the Bar."

Those who acted as pallbearers were: C. J. Milmer, M. R. Elms, P. McDonnell, H. A. Schrader, L. B. Breese, A. Reichenstein. Interment was in Mountain View, with the Mark B. Shaw company in charge.


San Bernardino County Sun, July 19, 19518693


Ida Wallace, 78, died Tuesday at a San Bernardino hospital. A native of Missouri, she had lived in San Bernardino and California 36 years. She had made her residence at the home of a daughter, Mrs. George Walden, at 970 H street.

Other survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Goldie Kerr of Sant Bernardino and Mrs. Gladys Byrd of Highland; one son, Arthur Wallace of San Bernardino; 12 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow at the Stephens & Bobbitt Funeral home. Burial will be in Mountain View cemetery.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
September 5, 18608612Western, Henry, Illinois
August 22, 18708617Sugar Creek, Cass, Missouri
June 9, 18801833Sherman, Cass, Missouri
June 16, 18808621Bear Creek, Henry, Missouri
June 23, 19008694Russell, Otoe, Nebraska
May 7, 19108653Blackburn, Pawnee, Oklahoma
January 9, 19207226San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
May 2, 19307008San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
19402723San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California
  • Sarah Ida Huston
