
Flora E. Chadwich and George Washington Wallace

GEORGE WASHINGTON WALLACE, son of CHARLOTTE ANN HUSTON and WILLIAM H. WALLACE, was born January 1, 1860 in Illinois,456 and died November 19, 1936 in Los Gatos, Santa Clara, California.12392 He is buried in Los Gatos Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara, California.456

He married FLORA E. CHADWICH on February 13, 1888 in Talmage, Otoe, Nebraska.7657, 12395 She was born January 15, 1868 in Nebraska City, Otoe, Nebraska,456 and died October 18, 1931 in Santa Clara County, California.3893 She is buried in Los Gatos Memorial Park, San Jose, Santa Clara, California.456


  1. WALTER LYNN WALLACE, b. 1891, Nebraska;8776 m. (1) RUTH GLADYX HAZEN on February 13, 1913 in Los Gatos, Santa Clara, California12395, m. (2) MARY CORRINE CRAIG on December 3, 1918 in Los Angeles County, California7540; d. August 12, 1940, Redwood City, Santa Clara, California.8776
  2. DR. DORRACE GLENN WALLACE, b. August 31, 1893, Talmage, Otoe, Nebraska;7538 m. NORRIS MICKELSON in May, 1917; d. November 5, 1955, San Francisco, California.12393
  3. EVALYNN GRACE WALLACE, b. January 3, 1896;250 m. NICHOLAS JOHN ANDREWS on August 25, 191812397; d. February 24, 1966, San Mateo County, California.250

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Marriage Announcements and News

Los Gatos Mail, February 20, 191312395


Wallace-Hazen Wedding Is Surprise.

Last Thursday evening the lovely home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W Wallace, on North Santa Cruz Avenue, was the scene of a double wedding. It was the occasion of the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs Wallace and many friends and relatives were present in response to invitations to this happy even.

At about four o'clock, when the company had gathered in the parlor, the ever-beautiful Lohengrin's Wedding March was played by Mr. Ingram Van Eaton and the bridal pair, preceded by Rev. W. D. Ewer, entered and were re-united after twenty five years of happiness, in the presence of their friends. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Wallace.

Immediately after the ceremony and before anyone could offer congratulations, the wedding march was played again and, to the greatest surprise of the guests, a real wedding took place. Rev. C. S. Needham, of Fresno, came into the room followed by Walter L. Wallace and Miss Gladys R. Hazen, who were then made man and wife, the impressive ring ceremony being used. Miss Florence Osterman of San Jose and Dorrace G. Wallace, brother of the groom, attended the young couple. The bride looked very sweet and charming in a dress of white silk trimmed with pearl beading and white pearl-beaded net, and wore orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was attired in pink chiffon over pink silk, with pearl bead trimming.

Both couples were showered with congratulations and good wishes and several pleasant hours were spent, the guests remaining until about 9:30. A short program was rendered consisting of a vocal solo by Warren Sheffield, accompanied by Miss Evalynn Wallace, an original reading by Mrs. F. M. Dickerson, vocal solo by Dorrace Wallace accompanied by the bride, and a duet by Walter and Dorrace Wallace. Ice cream, cake and delicious punch was served.

Among the guests present were a number of Miss Hazen's relatives from Santa Cruz and San Jose.

Only one person was present who had attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace twenty-five years ago at Talmage, Nebraska, and that was S. G. Wallace. He spoke of the remarkable difference in the weather and told how the guests on that other occasion drove through snow and sleet in sleighs, while automobiles conveyed the guests through sunshine and flowers on this anniversary.

Both couples were the recipients of many beautiful and useful gifts, consisting of cut glass, silverware, hand-painted china and other handsome articles.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Wallace went to Los Angeles for their honeymoon, leaving San Francisco by boat last Friday.

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Redwood City Tribune, October 19, 193112394

Relief Corps Head Dies In Los Gatos

LOS GATOS, Oct. 19.—Mrs. George W. Wallace, 63, was found dead in bed at her home in Los Gatos Sunday morning. Death is believed to have been caused by a heart attack.

Mrs. Wallace was a member of the state board of the Woman's Relief Corps, and president of federation No. 9. She was also prominent in the Order of Eastern Star, Rebekahs, White Shrine and Royal Neighbors. As custodian of the W.R.C. traveling flag, she had carried it to corps in all parts of the state and was well known to members of the federation, as well as other orders, in Redwood City.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Wallace is survived by two sons, Walter L. Wallace of San Francisco; Dr. Dorrace G. Wallace of Stockton; a daughter, Mrs. Eva Lynn G. Andrews of San Francisco, and a sister, Mrs. Grace Campbell of Orange.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Melvin funeral chapel, 300 West Main street, in Los Gatos.

Interment will be in Los Gatos cemetery.


Nemaha County Herald, December 17, 193612392


Word has been received Saturday of the death of G. W. Wallace at his home in Los Gatos, Calif. The Wallace family lived in this vicinity for several years before moving to California. Mrs. Wallace preceded him in death in 1931 and he has since been cared for by his children. For the last year he has been confined to a wheel chair, having suffered a stroke of paralysis. He leaves to mourn his passing two sons, Walter, of Los Gatos, Dr. Doris Wallace of Oakland and Evelyn of San Francisco.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
September 5, 18608612Western, Henry, Illinois
August 22, 18708617Sugar Creek, Cass, Missouri
June 9, 18801833Sherman, Cass, Missouri
June 1, 19008694McWilliams, Otoe, Nebraska
May 13, 19101133Redwood, Santa Clara, California
January 2, 19201195Redwood Township, Santa Clara, California
  • George Washington Wallace
  • Flora E. Chadwich
April 7, 19301166Redwood Township, Santa Clara, California
  • George Washington Wallace
  • Flora E. Chadwich
