LUTHER SCOTT WELBORN, son of JANE ELIZA SCOTT and PETER CLINARD WELBORN, was born November 14, 1856 in Spiceland Twp, Henry, Indiana,437, 4931 and died March 5, 1936 in St. Vincent's Hospital, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana.220, 216, 1086, 4931 He is buried in Glen Cove Cemetery, Knightstown, Henry, Indiana.216, 220, 1075, 4931
He married LUNA BELLE CONFARE on October 22, 1903 in Marion County, Indiana,241 daughter of ANGELINA ANDERSON and EPHRAIM CONFARE. She was born August 7, 1866 in Knightstown, Henry, Indiana,4931 and died October 12, 1957 in Rush Memorial Hospital, Rush County, Indiana.220, 216, 1084, 4931 She is buried in Glen Cove Cemetery, Knightstown, Henry, Indiana.216, 220, 1075, 4931
Knightstown Banner, October 23, 19031089
At the home of the bride's parents on Ashland avenue, Indianapolis, at 3:30 yesterday afternoon, Miss Luna Confare was united in marriage to Lieutenant Luther Welborn of this city.
New Castle Courier, June 27, 18845049
Luther and Charles Welborn are visiting their old home. The former is one of the teachers at West Point, N. Y., and the latter is connected with the furniture house of Abernathy Bros. of Kansas City, Mo.
Evening Republican, December 29, 18996504
Patrons of the Grand this week have been puzzled by the remarkable likeness of a young woman playing the part of Mrs. Arnold Kirke in "Men and Women" to an Indianapolis young woman, well known in local musical circles. "Miss Companis" is the name that appears in the program. It is, however, only a stage name, and the new actress is none other than Miss Luna Belle Confare.
Miss Confare is not a regular member of the stock company, but joined as a student and will be given any extra parts that offer. She did so well with her part this week that Manager Brooke has cast her for a more important role next week and she is now rehearsing with the company.
It is by Miss Confare's wish that her own name does not appear in the theater program. It is said that her father is much opposed to her going on the stage.—Indianapolis Press.
Miss Luna Belle Confare was once a resident of this city and was exceptionally well known on account of her wonderful contralto voice. Her singing was something out of the ordinary and acceptable in every particular. She also appeared at Crump's theater in amateur theatricals.
Knightstown Banner, March 6, 19361086
Captain Luther Welborn, aged 79 years, retired Army officer, died at St. Vincent's hospital, Indianapolis, at 1:30 o'clock Thursday morning following an operation for compaction of the bowels, which was performed Monday.
Captain Welborn, native of Knightstown, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Welborn, late of Knightstown, was one of the leading and best known men of this city, where he spent the greater part of his life. He was not an active business man but was always alert to the best interests of Knightstown and the civic welfare of the community, always ready and willing to do his bit for the betterment of our community.
He received his early education in the Knightstown schools and was a graduate of West Point Military Academy, New York, and was with the U. S. Army for several years and saw much active service during the years when the white settlers were wresting the West from the Indians. During the World War he was one of the foremost workers in the cause here, and never missed an opportunity to help with the work assigned to the citizens of Wayne township and elsewhere in Henry county.
Captain Welborn had been in ill health for several years and his activities had been restricted because of failing health.
Several years ago Captain Welborn was united in marriage with Miss Luna Confare, of Knightstown, and they lived happily in their pleasant home in West Pine street, and their home was always open to old friends and acquaintances at any and all times.
Captain Welborn's body was brought Thursday morning to the funeral parlors of H. C. Gordon, funeral director, on Public Square, where it rested until the noon hour, when it was taken to the residence, corner of Pine and Harrison streets. At this time is was not learned the time for the funeral, but it is to be held from his late home.
Captain Welborn is survived by the widow; a brother, William Welborn, and two sisters, Mrs. A. O. Morris of Knightstown, and Mrs. Nannie Manson of Brookline, Mass.
Knightstown Banner, October 17, 19571085
Knightstown—Final rites for Mrs. Luna Belle Welborn, 91, were conducted Tuesday afternoon at the Moffit Schweizer Funeral Home, with Rev. Faris Franz, pastor of the Bethel Presbyterian church, officiating.
Mrs. Welborn was one of Knightstown's "grand old ladies", having achieved acclaim and prominence during a career as an opera singer. Her late husband, Luther Welborn, a West Point graduate in 1879, fought in the Indian wars under General George Custer.
Born Aug. 7, 1866, in Knightstown, she was the daughter of Ephraim and Angeline Anderson Confare.
She died Sunday morning at Rush Memorial Hospital, Rushville, after a short illness.
During the latter part of the 19th century, she performed in concert and operettas and until her marriage in 1903. She performed on many theater stages from coast to coast including at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York, among others. She had a rich contralto voice.
She became a close friend of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierpont Morgan, who presented her with a diamond pin, which she cherished through the years. When her parents moved to Indianapolis, from Knightstown, she also sang at Indianapolis.
Survivors include a nephew, Donald Hewitt, Knightstown; and three cousins of Indianapolis.
She was a member of the Bethel Presbyterian church. Pallbearers included Ray Buckles, Wesley Ratliff, Jr., Herschel Hagner, H. C. Gordon, Jack Wyatt, all of Knightstown, and Al Crawford, Connersville.
News Republican, October 18, 19571084
WELLBORN — Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in Knightstown for Mrs. Luna Belle Welborne, 91, former opera singer, who died Sunday in the Rush Memorial Hospital at Rushville after a short illness. A native of Knightstown, she had performed in concerts and operettas during the latter part of the 19th century until her marriage in 1903. Her late husband, Luther Welborn, a West Point graduate in 1879, fought in the Indian wars under General George Custer. She was a member of the Bethel Presbyterian Church. There are no immediate. survivors.
Luther & Luna Welborn are buried in the Welborn plot, with his parents and other family members
(Lot 10, Sec 3 and Lot 24, Sec 3).
Date | Location | Enumerated Names |
June 1, 1860213 | Knightstown, Henry, Indiana | |
June 30, 1870212 | Knightstown, Henry, Indiana | |
June 16, 1920208 | Knightstown, Henry, Indiana |
April 5, 193016 | Knightstown, Henry, Indiana |
April 30, 19402488 | Knightstown, Henry, Indiana |