WILLIAM GEORGE HOUSTON was born October 31, 1864 in Fairfield, Rockbridge, Virginia,456, 5335 and died October 20, 1946 in Fairfield, Rockbridge, Virginia.456, 5335 He is buried in New Providence Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Raphine, Rockbridge, Virginia.456, 5335
He married MARY FRANCES ERVINE on September 29, 1894 in Loch Willow Presbyterian Church, Churchville, Augusta, Virginia,3695 daughter of HESTER BEAR and FRANCIS MILTON ERVINE. She was born August 18, 1861 in Beaver Creek, Rockingham, Virginia,456, 10551 and died February 13, 1936 at home near Fairfield, Rockbridge County, Virginia.3699, 5335 She is buried in New Providence Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Raphine, Rockbridge, Virginia.3699, 456
Rockingham Register, October 5, 18943695
Mr. William G. Houston of Fairfield, in this county, and Miss Fanny M. Ervine of Churchville, Augusta county, were married at Churchville at 11 a. m. Wednesday, the 19th. The ceremony was performed in Loch Willow Presbyterian church by Rev. J. H. H. Winfrede. Miss Katie Ervine, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and th other bridesmaids were Miss Annie Houson of Fairfield, sister of the groom, Miss Cammie Houston and Miss Sue Houston of Brownsberg, Miss Annetta Houston of Lexington, Miss Jacquelin Campbell and Miss Marie Rolston of Rockingham. The gentlemen were Mr. J. H. McClung of Houston, Tex., best man, Messrs. W. T. Hutcheson of Iron Gate, Frank Ralston, of Rockingham county, S. Gilkerson of Greenville, and J. T. Patton of Fairfield. Immediately after the ceremony an elegant lunch was served by Mrs. Hittie Ervine, the mother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Houston left that afternoon for their home at Fairfield. The groom is a son of the lat George W. Houston of Fairfield. He is an enterprising and successful farmer and is the member of the board of supervisors from South River district. The bride is a daughter of the late Milton Ervine, a prominent citizen of Rockingham.—Rockbridge County News.
Daily News-Record, February 17, 19363699
Funeral services for Mrs. William G. Houston, who died Thursday night at 8 o'clock at her home near Fairfield, after an illness of several weeks, were held Saturday morning from the New Providence Church.
Services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. C. Morton Hanna. Interment was in the church cemetery nearby.
Mrs. Houston, who was a natiave of Rockingham County, was a daughter of the late Francis and Hattie Bear Ervine. Besides her husband, she is survived by one son, Francis E. Houston, and two daughters, Mrs. J.P. Alexander, of Fairfield, and Mrs. G. H. Shield, of Hampton.
Staunton News-Leader, October 27, 194612452
Lexington, Oct. 25—William George Houston, 80, prominent citizen of Rockbridge County, died after a brief illness at 6 a. m. Sunday, Oct. 20, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. P. Alexander, Fairfield. Son of George W. Houston and Annette Willson Houston, he was born at his ancestral home "Mt. Pleasant," Fairfield, Oct. 31, 1865, on which anniversary he would have been 81 years ole.
He attended Augusta Military Academy and entered into farming, stock raising, and dairying. He established one of the first pure bred Jersey herds in the Valley, and for more than 50 years had been a breeder of fine cattle. He was at one time president of the Virginia Jersey Cattle Club, an official of the American Jersey Cattle Club, and the Virginia-Maryland Dairy Association.
He always took an active part in any organization which was for the betterment of the community. He served on the Board of Supervisors of Rockbridge County and was instrumental in building the present Courthouse. His name is on the cornerstone as a member of the building committee. He helped organize and served as director of the Bank of Fairfield, was an active member of the Ruritans, and since early manhood had been a loyal Mason, and was a member of the Rockbridge Historical Society.
Another great interest of his life was in obtaining better educational facilities for the youth of the community. For years he was on the County School Board and for some time its chairman. he was largely responsible for bringing the first high school to Fairfield.
For nearly 60 years he was first a deacon and then an elder of the New Providence Church, the church his pioneer ancestors helped found and named, and in which a forebear of each succeeding generation has served as an elder. For 15 years prior to his death he taught the Young Men's Bible Class. He always had been active in home mission work, having suggested and helped establish the school and mission at Irish Creek, and at other outposts.
Funeral services were conducted at New Providence Church Monday at 3 p. m., by the pastor. Dr. Locke White, with burial in the adjoining cemetery. Active pall bearers were members of Mr. Houston's Bible Class; honorary, elders and deacons of the church.
Mr. Houston's wife was Miss Fannie Ervine of Churchville, who died in February, 1936.
He is survived by one son and two daughters, Francis E. Houston and Mrs. J. P. Alexander of Fairfield, and Mrs. George H. Sheild, of Hampton, and by five grandchildren, Ann Eliza Alexander, Frances Houston Alexander, Agnes Patton Alexander, Francis Warren Sheild, and Ann Howard Sheild.
Date | Location | Enumerated Names |
June 30, 18702263 | Franklin, Rockingham, Virginia |
June 8, 1880720 | Ashby, Rockingham, Virginia |