
Nelle Myrtle Dyer and James William Kiser

JAMES WILLIAM KISER was born April 6, 1877 in Lafayette County, Missouri,706, 11058 and died March 19, 1954 in Marshall, Saline, Missouri.706 He is buried in Union Cemetery, Malta Bend, Saline, Missouri.456

He married NELLE MYRTLE DYER on January 16, 1923 in Shackleford, Saline, Missouri,11058 daughter of ISABELLA PALMORE IRVINE and ISRAEL GRANT DYER. She was born October 5, 1879 in Missouri,706 and died March 7, 1951 in Kansas City, Jackson, Missouri.706 She is buried in Union Cemetery, Malta Bend, Saline, Missouri.456

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Personal Information

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Marriage Announcements and News

Weekly Democrat-News, January 25, 192311059

Kiser-Dyer Wedding

The country home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Winslow, one mile north of Shackelford, was the scene of a pretty, but quiet wedding, Tuesday afternoon, January 16. This occasion around which much social interest has centered, united two fine old pioneer families of Saline County, the contracting parties being Miss Nelle Myrtle Dyer, daughter of Mrs Belle Palmer Dyer, and Mr. James Kiser, son of Mr. William Kiser of Armstrong.

Mrs. Wallace Grube sang "I Love You Truly" just before the ceremony.

To the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March, rendered by Miss Evelyn Dyer, the pair filled into the drawing room and while the music softly wafted out upon the air, they were united in marriage by Rev. A. M. MacLauchlin of Marshall, in the presence of the immediate families and a limited number of friends.

After the ceremony the gusts were invited to the dining room where they were served refreshments of brick cream, cake, coffee and mints. The rooms were beautifully enhanced with pink sweet peas and narcissi, accentuating the prevailing colors of pink and white.

The wedding cake was a source of great pleasure, Miss Arzella Kiser being the luck recipient of the dime; Miss Josephine Snoddy, the thimble; Miss Virginia Dyer, the ring, and Miss Mildred Winslow, the darning needle.

The wedding presents were useful, beautiful and numerous, evidencing the fact that the bride and groom enjoy a large circle of close friends.

Mrs. Kiser proved a beautiful bride in brown, carrying a huge bouquet of tea roses. She not only is charming in personality, but also in disposition and character.

The groom is a popular, genial and upright young farmer of the Shackelford neighborhood, so the union of this pair means the establishment of another happy home among the many now in existence in prosperous and progressive old Saline County, the "garden spot of the world."

The newly married couple will take up their abode at the old Dyer homestead, where a cozy home is in readiness for them.

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Saline County Citizen, March 15, 195111060

Mrs. James Kiser, 71, Died Wed. Night

Funeral Services Were Held at 2 P.M. Friday At Union Baptist Church

Mrs. James Kiser, 71, died at 9:15 Wednesday night, March 7 at St. Joseph Hospital in Kansas City, where she had been a patient since Feb. 18. Mrs. Kiser had been in failing health for the last year and a half but had been seriously ill only the last two weeks.

A large crowd of relatives and friends assembled at Union Baptist Church on Friday afternoon, March 9, for the funeral service.

The service was conducted by the Rev. Lenox Crockett, pastor of Saline Presbyterian Church, assisted by the Rev. Lee Marshall and Rev. C. C. Cox.

Rev. Marshall read passages of Scripture from the gospel of John and from Revelation regarding the resurrection and the precious promises to those who die in the Lord. Mrs. Lenox Crocket and Mrs. Lester Nye, accompanied by Mrs. Emmett Dyer at the piano sang "Shadows" and "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer." Reverend Cox led the prayer.

Reverend Crockett paid tribute to Mrs. Kiser from a knowledge of many years as pastor and friend of the family. He spoke of the close family ties of so large a relationship in fellowship and Christian service, of the hospitality of the home to ministers and other friends, and stated that in her life she exemplified the traits of true Christian living; she acted always as a child in the family of God. Her eulogy could be simply summarized in a word: Christian.

His further remarks were based on the Twenty-third Psalm, a favorite chapter of the deceased. He spoke of the nature of this particular Psalm, emphasizing the personal pronoun in the Good Shepherd's regard for all Christians. His watchful care, His promises to the end and beyond, a home with Him for all time for everyone whose life is hidden with Christ in God.

As the congregation left the church, Mrs. Emmett Dyer softly played "Going Home" by Dvorak. The services were concluded at the graveside.

Burial was on the Kiser family lot in Union cemetery and the grave was covered by beautiful flowers, a tribute of love to the departed and of sympathy to the bereaved husband.

The pallbearers were Daniel Kiser, Beverly Winslow, Emmett Dyer, Warren Tanner, Arthur Ehrnman, and Charles Gauldin. Those who assisted with the flowers were Mrs. Maurice Sydenstricker, Mrs. Frank Blosser, Mrs. E. E. Board, Mrs. Evelyn Miles, Miss Mary Baker, and Miss Willie Ann Driskell.

Nell Dyer Kiser was born in Saline County about four miles south of Malta Bend on Oct. 4, 1879. She was the daughter of Israel Grant Dyer, who had come to this county from Callaway, and Bell Farmer Dyer, a native of Saline County. She was married to James Kiser, the surviving husband, at the home of her parents on Jan. 16, 1923. They first lived in the Dyer home and later bought the present home five miles west of Marshall, just off highway 65. No children were born to them.

Mrs. Kiser exemplified in her life the Christianity she professed. For many years, she taught Sunday school classes in the Saline Presbyterian church of which she was a member. She started with the children and later had the adult Bible class for many years, giving it up only a year ago on account of her health. She also worked in the Union Baptist Church, of which her husband was a member. She was secretary of the Lafayette County Presbyterial for a number of years. Of a refined, kindly disposition, she was beloved by all who knew her. As a young woman, she attended Warrensburg Normal and after leaving college, continued her education by reading and an alert interest in all that was going on in her community and in the world. She was a member of Union Extension Club.

She is survived by her husband, Mr. James Kiser, of the home, Route 3; three sisters, Mrs. L. H. Winslow, Shackelford, Mrs. Floyd Gauldin and Mrs. E. W. Tanner, both of Route 3, Marshall, and by four brothers, E. B. Dyer, Malta Bend; Dr. R. H. Dyer, Sheridan, Mont.; Emmett Dyer, Washington, D.C.; and Lester Dyer, Route 3, Marshall. Two sisters died before Mrs. Kiser, one in infancy and another when one and one-half years old. Two brothers preceded her in death, Warren Dyer at the age of 17 and John H. Dyer, about 20 years ago.


Daily Democrat-News, March 20, 195411058

Heart Attack Fatal To James W. Kiser

Services Will be Sunday at 2 o'Clock at Union Baptist Church

James W. Kiser, Route 3, Marshall, passed away unexpectedly yesterday afternoon at 4:50 o'clock at the Viking hotel. Death was due to a coronary occlusion.

Funeral services will be Sunday, March 21, at 2 o'clock at the Union Baptist church conducted by Rev. Grant Nolan, minister at the church, assisted by Rev. C. C. Cox. Interment will be in the Union cemetery. The body will remain at the Campbell-Lewis Funeral home until 12:30 Sunday when it will be taken to the church.

Mr. Kiser, the son of William D. and Elizabeth Noonan Kiser, was born April 6, 1877 in Lafayette county, Mo. He was united in marriage to Miss Nell Dyer, January 16, 1923, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winslow in Shackelford. Mrs. Kiser preceded him in death in 1951. Mr. Kiser was a farmer and had been a resident of Saline county since childhood.

Surviving are his aunt, Mrs. John Nye of Malta Bend and a number of cousins.

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Census Records

DateLocationEnumerated Names
June 3, 18808957Grand Pass, Saline, Missouri
June 4, 19003860Grand Pass, Saline, Missouri
May 2, 19108964Grand Pass, Saline, Missouri
March 17, 19203859Marshall, Saline, Missouri
