Membership Summary
This page represents a partial list of ancestors who were members of a club or organization.
Click on the organization for the list of members.
David J. Krutsch
DeWitt F. Long
Welton G. Miller (York West Chapter #1578)
Abu-Bekr Shrine Temple
David Davidson
Acacia Fraternity, University of Nebraska
Frederick J. Gunther
Advertising Club of San Francisco
Herbert H. Mitchell
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
DeWitt F. Long
Alpha Phi Sorority
Mary H. Lougee
Amateur Radio Club
Geraldine M. Senft
American Association of University Women
Ruth Elwell
Elizabeth A. Grimes
American Bar Association
Herbert H. Blair
Marion G. Heatwole
George W. Pierce
American College of Probate Counsel
George W. Pierce
American Institute of Architects
Dell F. Hinson
American Legion
Stanley J. Abbey (Post #181)
Albert Absher (Post #1)
Stanley L. Beane (Post #26)
Melvin L. Bruder (Post #94)
Leslie R. Buckles
Herbert J. Buffum (Post #531)
William R. Barrick
Kenneth N. Chandler
Albert J. Corsi
Charles Cummings
Leslie W. Curlee
Watson R. Elwell
Robert T. Faircloth
Theodore E. Ford
Francis S. Gombar
Herbert A. Horn
Virgil H. Houston
Dean E. Howell
James D. Lee
William E. MacIntire
Kenneth O. Moreland
Paul E. Reynolds
James W. Roser
Horace N. Schuyler
Walter L. Siegrist
Charles F. Corya (Broad Ripple Post)
Glen D. Evers (Post #49)
Charles J. Ford (Ellicottville Memorial Post #639)
Donald W. Ford (Little Valley Post #531)
Charles J. Smith (Little Valley Post #531)
Arthur W. Geiselman (York Post #127)
W. W. Harmon (C. Fayette Staples Post)
Kenneth C. Holtcamp (Post #65)
Raymond Kopp (Harold H. Blair Post #14)
Arthur P. McClung (Leroy Shelton Post)
Hugh C. McLennan (Magnolia Post #123)
Harold E. McManomy
Gaylord L. Moreland (Louis E. Davis Post)
Raymond W. Moss (Post #308)
Herbert H. Stambaugh (Edgar O. Jarman Post #129)
Everett B. Scott (Belrose, Long Island Post #1294)
John W. Butler (Post #129)
Harland F. Starns (Post #129)
Louis C. Foy (Huges Skiba Post #835)
Fores G. Richardson (Clark County Post #90)
Melvin H. Derrickson (Orion Post)
Harold M. Robertson (Post #655)
Robert V. Coston (Post No. 411)
George G. Boyer (Harold H. Blair, Post 14)
Philip H. Boyer (Detrich-Brechbill Post)
John W. Bupp (Post #127)
American Legion Auxiliary
Pauline V. Bear (Laroy Farst Post, #245)
Alice P. Bogue
Ruth Elwell (Sanford-Brown Post)
Lottie C.
Mura D. Gettings
Carol E. Holler
Ruby L. Leavell
Estelle M. Mood
Esther E. Nichols
Adelle F. Hovey (C. Fayette Staples Post)
Janice L. Howren
Julia V. Moreland
Nellie Pexsa (Haugen-Richmond Post #73)
Frances L. Stanley (Post #246)
Thelma L. Gottlieb
American Legion of Honor
John A. Eddy
American Rifle Association
Edward K. Beckwith
American Veterinary Medical Association
Hartwell G. Dow
American War Mothers
Minnie A. Markle
American Warehousemen's Association
Willard A. Morse
American, Vermont and Arizona Philatelic Societies
Robert S. Gordon
Ancient Order of United Workmen
Edward T. Dobbs
William R. Graham
William B. Lyle
Adelbert B. Stanley
Antique Auto Club of America
Clarence J. Gallagher (Gettysburg Region)
Antiques Dealers Association of California
Milo S. Bergeson
Apple Valley Cactus Wren Garden Club
Villa P. Balaam
Art Association of Richmond
Whitney S. McGuire
Art Guild
Christy S. McKee
Assocation for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities
Adelaide C. Butler
Association of General Counsel
Marion G. Heatwole
Austin Masonic Lodge
James R. Cole
Auxiliary of St. Joseph Hospital
Helena M. Fultz
Auxiliary of the Rohrerstown Fire Company
Helena M. Fultz
Avon Literary Club
Clara N. Bell
Elizabeth A. Bell
Beta Sigma Phi
Helen L. Knudsen
Bettendorf Life Fitness Center
Howard L. Bliss
Bluffton Garden Club
Mae C. Beaty
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
George B. Dougan
Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen
Elmer L. Hall
Business and Professional Women's Foundation
Mura D. Gettings
Helen A. Mitchell
Clara M. Myrick
Helen L. Knudsen
Busy Bees Home Economics Club
Carolyn M. Grabhorn
Altona H. E. Hall
California Mesa Supper Club
Roberta J. Carkhuff
California Thoroughbred Breeders Association
Willard D. Cranney
Caltech Service League
Dell M. Collins
Carolinas Lumber and Building Material Association
William J. Maxwell
Casket Manufacturers Association of America
Charles C. Ashley
Catawba Yacht Club
Pierce A. Cassedy
Cedar Springs Community Club
Mary E. Brown
Chamber of Commerce
Stanley L. Beane
Adelaide C. Butler
William O. Coast
Effie W. Leese
Earl B. Ballou
George F. Newman
George W. Pierce
Chautauqua County Funeral Directors' Association
William D. Mink
CIO Retired Members Club
Frederick L. Howren
Citizens League
Guilford A. Morse
Civic & Commerce Association
Alden W. Elwell
Civic Association of North Port Charlotte
William H. McCollister
Coleman Ladies Guild
Florence V. Phile
College Club
Ruth Elwell
Collegiate Club
Clarissa Ahl
Florence R. Myrick
Colonial Dames
Mary C. Eustis
LaBlanche Houston
Colonial Garden Club
Doris J. Berry
Colton Service Club
Paulina J. Miller
Columbus Teachers Association
Louise C. Coast
Conewango Forks Golf Club
Charles J. Ford
Corvair Owners' Club
Christy S. McKee
Coterie Club
Mura D. Gettings
Cromesett Tribe of Redman
Winfield H. French
Dale Carnegie
Howard L. Bliss
Danish Brotherhood
Hans E. Brandt
Daughters of Isabella
Anna M. Seymour
Daughters of Rebekah
Eva G. McClung (Evergreen Lodge)
Alice T. McMillen
Daughters of the American Colonists
Alice T. Gibson
Eleanor F. Hornby
Mary H. Lougee
Daughters of the American Revolution
Bertha F. Alden (Colonial Chapter)
Lilian F. Bigelow (Sarah Wilmot Chapter)
Adelaide C. Butler
Cartie L. Foster
Emma K. Hall
Margaret Harvey
Virginia Haymond
Helen V. Hendricks
Hazel K. Houston
LaBlanche Houston
Effie W. Leese
Phyllis A. Leiter
Suzanne McGuire
Clara M. Myrick
Grace A. Nagler
Florence V. Phile
Martha R. Rush
Jessie A. Scott
Martha A. Selectman
Jessie E. Sutherland
Mary O. Wisman
Alice T. Gibson
Edith M. Hanna (Mary Melrose Chapter)
Edna A. Munn (Conococheague Chapter)
Genevieve Sylvester (John Bell Chapter)
Daughters of the Nile
Emma K. Hall
Daughters of Utah Pioneers
Cleo N. Hinckley
Daughters of Veterans of the Civil War
Clarissa H. Carkhuff
Delaware County Bar Association
Robert W. Monroe
Delaware County Farm Bureau
Harry R. Bowers
Delta Gamma Delta Dental Fraternity
Earl P. McClung
Delta Gamma Mother's Club
Audrey L. Gilbert
Disabled American War Veterans
Leslie W. Curlee
Dorian Choral
Sylvia V. Hall
Drug Institute of America
Charles N. Harlowe
Druggists and Chemical Square Club
Charles N. Harlowe
Ducks Unlimited
Edward H. Covell
Edwin S. Elwell
Eagle Fire Company
John E. Flickinger
Eagles Lodge
Frederick L. Howren
McKinley H. Lenich
William E. MacIntire
David E. Miller
Isaac T. Mullen
Harry A. Penland
Evelena E. Baker (San Diego Aerie 244)
William F. Guerker
Eastern Iowa Veterinary Association
Hartwell G. Dow
Eastern Lewis County Historical Society
Delbert S. O'Neill
El Triente y Cinco Dance Club
Edward K. Beckwith
Electric Assocation of Kansas City
Frederick J. Gunther
Elks Lodge
Frank C. Adams
Roy W. Bailey
Earl B. Ballou
George G. Boyer
Leonard B. Boyer
Philip H. Boyer
Harold Chamberlain
William O. Coast
Marvin C. Colton
Lisle M. Conger
John P. Cook
Patrick J. Corsi
Clarence F. Crist
Charles Cummings
George B. Dougan
Russell I. Earnshaw
William R. Flournoy
Luther A. Freed
Gordon Grimes
Grant P. Hammond
Frank L. Harold
Harry A. Hoffman
Dean E. Howell
John H. Hughes
Lewis E. King
Robert J. Miller
Gaylord L. Moreland
Frederick R. Shedd
Walter L. Siegrist
Leon E. Bartram (Lodge #575)
Stanley L. Beane (Post #298)
Edward K. Beckwith (Lodge #613)
Richard A. Bowers (Lodge #245)
Edwin G. Crist
Lester J. Hess (Sturgis Lodge #1381)
Myron B. Kurth (Seattle Lodge #92)
Vernon R. Nelson (Lodge #804)
Louis C. Foy (Lodge #1025)
Walter L. Wallace (San Jose Lodge No. 552)
Empire State Degree of Honor
Almira M. Eddy
Engineers Club of Kansas City
Frederick J. Gunther
Entre Nous Club
Cora A. Bruns
Explorer's Club
Jules V. D. Bucher
Fallbrook Art Association
Frances E. Cummings
Farm Bureau
Clyde L. Houston
Helen M. Houston
Edwin G. Lee
Fathers Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars
Robert P. Olinger
Fine Arts Club
Cleo N. Hinckley
Foremen's Club of Nashua
Walter H. Classon
Fort Wayne Flying Circuits
Richard L. Bouillon
Fort Yacht Club
James A. McClung
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Milton S. Hoke (Hanover Aerie #1406)
Earl B. Ballou
Virgil H. Houston
Clair E. Kopp (Hanover Aerie 1406)
Ralph R. Englesby (Spokane Aerie No. 2)
Lee H. Woodard (Lodge #516)
Fraternal Order of Police
James T. O'Brien (Queen City Lodge #69)
Albert Absher (Mt. Tabor)
James R. Annis (Rising Sun Lodge 39)
Martin E. Ballou
Walter E. Barnes (John W. Durst Lodge #716)
Leon E. Bartram (Grand Junction Lodge #173)
Donald C. Becker (Schoharie Valley Lodge #491)
John F. Bell (Golden Rule Lodge #16)
Louis A. Bell (Golden Rule Lodge #16)
Robert Y. Black (Fellowship Lodge #106)
Joseph E. Lee (Fellowship Lodge #106)
Thomas C. Bolton (Tyrian Lodge #508)
Lloyd N. Bouillon (Home Lodge #342)
Edgar F. Bowers (Whitney Lodge #229)
Richard A. Bowers (Whitney Lodge #229)
Walter H. Classon (Rising Sun Lodge #39)
Charles F. Corya (Broad Ripple Lodge #643)
Fred Corya (Broad Ripple Lodge #643)
Arthur O. Cox (Watsonville Lodge)
Clayton Crawford (Corona Lodge)
Lewis C. Crosby (Eau Claire Lodge #112)
David Davidson (Landmark Lodge)
William Dean (Rockingham Union Lodge #27)
Robert L. DeLong (Belmont Lodge #474)
Edward T. Dobbs (Bedford Lodge)
Hartwell G. Dow (Stella Lodge #440)
John A. Eddy (Lodge #19)
Otto W. Ehlert (Orange Lodge #36)
Edwin S. Elwell (Lynhurst Lodge #317)
Harry L. Ervin (Webb Lodge #24)
Glenn C. Foy (Cattaraugus Lodge #239)
Schuyler R. Hafely
Carl I. Hall
Joseph E. Howard (West Lebanon Lodge #352)
William B. Hall (Blue Lodge #1)
Charles N. Harlowe (Equality Lodge #940)
W. W. Harmon (Orchard Lodge)
Charles C. Helmer (Signet Lodge #264)
Lester J. Hess (Meridian Sun Lodge #49)
Edson B. Houston (Victory Lodge #1019)
John A. Scott (Pomegranate Lodge #110)
Adelbert D. Stanley (Pomegranate Lodge #110)
Harland F. Starns (Pomegranate Lodge #110)
Donald E. Senft (Hanover Patmos Lodge 3248)
Lloyd W. Kurth (Doric Lodge #92)
Guy L. Levers (Lodge #36)
John L. McClung (Lodge #79)
William H. McClung (Ben Hur Lodge)
Hugh C. McLennan (Ionic Lodge #90)
Enos B. Mills (Little Falls Lodge #181)
Willard A. Morse (University Lodge)
Oscar G. Norwood (Palestine Lodge #31)
John B. Peffley (Brookville Lodge #596)
Frederick J. Gunther
Everett B. Scott
Allen W. Cummer (Cache la Poudre Lodge #11)
Ervin L. Stambaugh (Jefferson Lodge)
Lester W. Kirkman (Madison Lodge #44)
Wilford E. Brown (St. John's Lodge #9)
Phillip J. Pettit (Chillicothe Lodge #89)
Leroy C. Meek (Solomon City Lodge #105)
Martin E. Shepard (Lodge #210)
John F. Bell
Justus Sutherland (Bicknell Lodge #94)
Gareld D. Elliott (Index)
Orva E. Huston (Pomona Lodge 246)
Elmer C. Huston (Doric Lodge)
Lawrence M. Houston (Trilumina Lodge)
Alton B. C. Dunham (Tomahawk Lodge)
Charles O. Barker (San Lorenzo Lodge #718)
Fresno World War I Barracks #511
Otto H. Lindstead
Friday Club
Alice H. Gould
Friends of Eloise Butler Wild Flower Garden
Marian Grimes
Fulton County Agricultural Society
James A. McClung
Joseph J. McClung
G. A. R.
William McNeely (Cedar Vale Post No. 99)
Gamma Alpha (Business Sorority)
Effie W. Leese
Garden Club
Cleo N. Hinckley
Enid J. Hoffer (Hanover)
Veda H. Loomis (Minneapolis)
Jeanette M. Simmons (Eastmont Friends and)
Margaret Rudderow (Washington)
Audrey L. Gilbert (Home)
Laura M. Miller
Albertina M. Miller
Genealogical Society of Allegany County Maryland
Mary O. Wisman
German Society of Maryland
Matilda L. Clark
Gideon Grange 2010
Clair E. Kopp
Glen Rock Hose and Ladder Company
Raymond E. Boyer
Grand Army of the Republic
George P. Brown (Sherwood Post #380)
Tilghman Fish (Jerry B. Mason Post, No. 186,)
Simon E. Flewelling
Reuben Augustine
James L. Furgason
William R. Graham
Anthony W. Graves (Robert H. McCook Post)
Amos A. Hall (Wiggins Post)
Thomas I. Howren (Jerry Mason Post)
James A. McClung (McClung Post)
Greenfield Municipal Band
Helen H. Hudspeth
Half-Hour Women's Club
Louise C. Coast
Ham and Eggs Club
Edwin S. Elwell
Ham Radio Operators of America
Harry J. Reis
Hanover Historical Society
Enid J. Hoffer
Hawks Gunning Club
Welton G. Miller
Heritage Club
Clarissa Ahl
Home Economics Club
Opal E. Musselman
Hoosier Salon of Artists
Carolyn M. Grabhorn
Humboldt Extension Homemakers Unit
Helen S. Lank
Idaho Horse Racing Association
Willard D. Cranney
Improved Order of Red Men
Arthur O. Cox
William H. McClung
Independent Accountants Association of Illinois
Frances L. Stanley
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
James R. Annis (Granite Lodge I, Nashoonon Encampment and Patriarchs Militant)
Reuben M. Bogue
Oliver P. Bowers
Henry W. Briggs
Walter E. Carkhuff
Perry M. Corum
William R. Graham
Charles E. Hall
Frederick A. Hinson
George W. Hoke
Claude A. Kinyon
Alton G. Martin
Finney M. McCleary
Joseph J. McClung
Newton A. McClung
John W. Miller
Walter H. Classon (Patriarchs Militant #9)
Volney A. Coston (Skidmore Lodge)
Alonzo H. French (East Victoria Morse Rebekah Lodge #143)
Amos A. Hall (Conewango Lodge #282)
Fred A. Hall (Conewango Lodge #282)
Irving A. Hall (Conewango Lodge #282)
Walter C. French (Granite Lodge #1)
Lester I. Harvey (Granite Lodge #1)
George W. Hix (Meridian Lodge)
George S. Lowry (Knightstown Lodge #99)
Harry G. Lowry (Knightstown Lodge #99)
James A. McClung (Lodge #47)
William H. McClung (Energy Lodge)
William D. Mink (Chadakoin Lodge)
Robert W. Monroe (Lodge #174)
George B. F. Woodard
Indiana Dental Society
Earl P. McClung
Indiana State Board of Agriculture
James A. McClung
International Brotherhood of Magicians
Allen S. Davis (Seymour Davis Ring)
International Chiropractors Association
Stanley L. Beane
International Hotel Women's Executives Association
Effie W. Leese
International Order of the King's Daughters
Frances L. Stanley (Mary K. Hill House Circle)
Iowa Bar Association
Abner J. L. Martin
Iowa Manufacturers Association
George F. Newman
Iowa State Historical Society
William O. Coast
Herbert H. Mitchell
Kansas State Teachers Association
Helen A. Mitchell
Kelly AFB Officers Wives Club
Mabel H. Colton
Kensington Club
Mabel C. Houston
King's Daughters
Alta M. S. Badger
Kiwanis Club
Harry M. Chaddock
Albert J. Corsi
Louis C. Foy
Audrey L. Gilbert
William F. Hart
Donald S. Hewitt
Herbert A. Horn
John A. Houston
Harry F. Kydd
Frederick E. Rakestraw
Ohel B. Spelman
Marilyn A. Ervin (Richmond Noon)
W. W. Harmon (Biddeford-Saco)
W. W. Harmon (Old Orchard Beach)
Knights of Columbus
Elwood K. Miller
Charles E. Murphy
James T. O'Brien
Leonard J. Ganser (Madison Council 4527)
Knights of Malta
Curtis S. Stambaugh (Chosen Knights Commandery #174)
Knights of Pythias
Thomas I. Ahl
Russell I. Earnshaw
William R. Graham
Ester A. Huston
Victor E. Johnson
John W. Lowry
William B. Lyle
John N. Millikan
William C. Straw
Reginald L. Bell (Lodge #226)
Leslie R. Buckles (Lodge #226)
Joseph H. Holloway (Lafayette Lodge #51)
Carl B. F. Kurth
Knights of the Maccabees
Almira M. Eddy
Fred A. Hall
Knights Templar
Charles O. Barker
Korean War Veterans Association
Richard L. Bouillon (Chapter 1)
Ladies of the Maccabees
Frances C. Jones
LaGrange County War Mothers
Mura D. Gettings
Lancaster Elks Lodge
Richard H. Dunnington
Larimer County Farm Bureau
Vernon R. Nelson
League of Women Voters
Marguerite C. Doan
Lee County Historical Society
Helen M. Houston
Leewood Golf Club
Charles N. Harlowe
Legion of Honor
William R. Graham
Lions Club
Thomas C. Bolton
Chauncey G. Bruder
Robert W. Bruder
Eldon A. Eliason
Robert W. McCoy
Melvin L. Bruder
Allen S. Davis (Downtown Oklahoma City)
Donald E. Senft
Russell D. Bruder
Little Valley Riders Club
Charles J. Ford
Livingston County Historical Society
Helen L. Knudsen
Loyal Order of Moose
Stanley J. Abbey (Lodge 2273)
Leonard B. Boyer
Melvin L. Bruder
Grant P. Hammond
William E. MacIntire
Harry J. Reis
Milton S. Hoke (Hanover Lodge #227)
George G. Boyer
Raymond E. Boyer
Chauncey P. Kopp
Robert W. Bruder (Lodge #980)
Louis C. Foy (Lodge #1002)
Lee H. Woodard (Lodge #119)
Loyal Women's Club
Mary E. Brown
Archibald A. Scott
MacDowell Club of Allied Arts
Alice T. Gibson
Manito Golf Club
John A. Houston
Mapleton Literary Club
Eunice A. Curtiss
Marin Nature Group
Paul T. Wilson
Masonic Lodge
Albert M. Alden
Donald E. Alexander
William R. Bacon
Emery A. Bailey
Daniel E. Bigelow
Amos T. Black
Guye C. Blaine
Reuben M. Bogue
David W. Boyer
Henry W. Briggs
Lawrence N. Clure
Henry L. Cochran
Marvin C. Colton
John P. Cook
Perry M. Corum
Jerome A. Crowley
Charles Cummings
Charles A. Davis
George B. Dougan
Howard S. Dunham
Russell I. Earnshaw
Alden W. Elwell
Howard E. Englesby
Tilghman Fish
William R. Flournoy
Theodore E. Ford
Harold W. Fouch
Jess M. Foulk
Luther A. Freed
James L. Furgason
Nevin S. Goodling
William R. Graham
Charles T. Grosshart
Forest W. Hall
Harvey H. Hall
William F. Hart
Eric E. Houston
Dean E. Howell
Thomas I. Howren
Everett C. Hurd
Eugene P. Irvine
John C. Kirby
Olgar R. Lane
George L. McClun
Earl P. McClung
William McNeely
Herbert B. Morgan
Harry A. Persons
William D. Persons
Walter W. Richardson
Archibald A. Scott
James Scott
Harvey R. Smith
George A. Streeter
Walter F. Sylvester
Thomas J. Ware
Albert W. Waybright
Robert E. Zeigler
George B. F. Woodard (Arion Lodge, F. & A.M.)
Harold M. Robertson (#306)
Mayflower Society
Helen V. Hendricks
McRae Club
Virginia Haymond
Memorial Hospital Junior Auxiliary
Elizabeth M. Mumma
Michigan Association of the Professions
Maynard M. Stambaugh
Michigan Professional Engineers
Maynard M. Stambaugh
Midwest Gas Association
Frederick J. Gunther
Minikahda Club
Edwin S. Elwell
Edwin S. Elwell
Veda H. Loomis
Minneapolis Art Institute's Friends of the Institute
Jane M. Alden
Minneapolis Athletic Club
Alden W. Elwell
Edwin S. Elwell
Gordon Grimes
Minneapolis Institute of Arts Foundation
Guilford A. Morse
Minneapolis Junior League
Ellen L. Johnson
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Association
Bertha F. Alden
Minnesota Mycological Society
Marian Grimes
Modern Study Club
Margaret Rudderow
Modern Woodmen of America
Ralph L. Flesher (West Lebanon Lodge)
Perry M. Corum
Joseph B. Engle
Carl B. F. Kurth
Herbert B. Morgan
Phillip J. Pettit
George A. Streeter
Walter L. Wallace (Los Gatos Camp No. 10489)
Modern Workman Lodge
John W. Miller
Moline "M" Men's Association
Stanley L. Beane
Monday Afternoon Club
Virginia Haymond
Mt. Zion Club
Gertrude M. Cook
Elnora O. Davidson
Muncie Matinee Musicale
Helen C. Bowers
Murrysville Golf League
Jeanette M. Simmons
Nashua Historical Society
Robert N. French
National Alliance of Businessman
Lawrence H. Gall
National Association of Manufacturers
George F. Newman
National Model Railroading Association
Edwin J. Smith
National Rifle Association
Raymond Kopp
James A. McClung
National Society of Colonial Dames XVIIth Century
Mary O. Wisman
National Writers Association
Effie W. Leese
Native Daughters of The Golden West
Joyce B. Reid
Nebraska Art Association
Effie W. Leese
Nebraska Society of Industrial Editors
Effie W. Leese
Nebraska State Veterinary Medical Association
George L. McClun
Nebraska Writers Guild
Effie W. Leese
Neighbors of Woodcraft
Cora M. Farnham
Mathilda J. Hanson
New England Railroad Veterans Association
Alonzo H. French
New York State Archeological Society
Donald C. Becker
New York Women's Press Club
Effie W. Leese
Nineteenth Century Club
Alice H. Gould
Mary W. Kinne
Nobles County Historical Society
James S. Gay
Northern Utah Horseshoe Pitching Association
Mariner Munk
Northwest Businessmen's Association
Stanley L. Beane
Oakenwold Garden Club
Virginia M. Firebaugh
Ohio Historical Society
Joseph E. Lee
Oklahoma City Title Attorney's Association
Herbert H. Blair
Oklahoma Museum of Art
Herbert H. Blair
Old Brick School Society
Mary L. Means
Order of Railway Conductors
Charles E. Shepard
Martin E. Shepard
Order of the Eastern Star
Lottie C.
Emery A. Bailey
Mary L. Black
Ada M. Brokamp
Gertrude M. Cook
Hazel D. Covert
Dorothy H. Coxe
Sara J. Dillow
Thelma L. Gottlieb
Alice H. Gould
Lucy G. Harris
Robert S. Hart
Roberta T. Houston
Everett C. Hurd
Elmer C. Huston
Natalie J. Huston
Ruth B. Irvin
Willa M. Irvine
Alice L. Juday
Lucy Kuehne
George L. McClun
Edna L. McClung
Tira E. McCraken
Alice T. McMillen
Bertha B. McNeely
Verla M. Moore
Herbert B. Morgan
Grace A. Nagler
Margaret F. Newman
Florence V. Phile
Othor Small
Claribel Smith
Lucile L. Stambaugh
Jessie E. Sutherland
Grace E. Wilkins
Bessie Wilkinson
Gladys L. Wilkinson
Mary A. Zinn
Elizabeth A. Bell (Knightstown Chapter)
Alice P. Bogue
Edgar F. Bowers (Lodge #564)
Evelyn M. Cauffman (Sandy Bay Chapter #228)
David Davidson (Iris Chapter)
Agnes E. Gifford (Fidelity Chapter)
Emma K. Hall (Lorraine Chapter #6)
Altona H. E. Hall (West Lebanon Chapter #162)
Ruth E. Haney (Sharon Chapter #132)
Rosemarie Herlem
Gladys E. Houston (Rising Light Chapter#286)
Opal E. Musselman (Chapter #124)
Catherine P. Packer (Lodge #70)
Lillian B. Stanley (Matthew's Chapter #242)
Helen S. Lank (Fraternity Chapter #133)
Leroy C. Meek (Fraternity Chapter #133)
Martin E. Shepard (Lodge #148)
Orva E. Huston (Pomona Chapter 110)
Hazel L. Sprague (Little Valley Chapter)
Winifred R. Mitchell (Dayton Victory Chapter #594)
Norris Mickelson (Chapter 31)
Order of the Golden Seal
Fred A. Hall
Order of the Mystic Chain Lodge
John E. Flickinger
Lilian F. Bigelow (Chapter B H)
Mary G. Helmer (Chapter EB)
LaBlanche Houston (AC Chapter)
Jessie I. Houston
Lucy Kuehne
Helen B. Roe
Lulu B. Laughlin (Chapter BD)
Marie R. Lohry (Chapter BD)
Effie W. Leese (Chapter B)
Elizabeth A. Stanley (Chapter BD)
Blanche Scott (Chapter F)
Packard Club
Clarence J. Gallagher (National, Old Dominion, and Keystone)
Palatines of America
Mary O. Wisman
Paris Players Dramatic Club
Mary L. Black
Pass-a-Grille Yacht Club
Pierce A. Cassedy
Patriotic Order Sons of America
Curtis S. Stambaugh
Pearl Harbor Survivors Assocation
Emor O. Shepard
Penn Hills Senior Citizens
Jeanette M. Simmons
Pigeon Cove Massachusetts Circle
Evelyn M. Cauffman
Pinacoteque des Artist
Carolyn M. Grabhorn
Pioneer Daughters of Washington
Lilian F. Bigelow (Lorraine Chapter No. 6)
Pollyana Club
Helen M. Houston
Progress Camp
Carl B. F. Kurth (#4156)
Providence Art Club
Robert S. Allingham
Providence Preservation Society
Robert S. Allingham
Pythian Sisters
Albertina M. Miller
Quad City Small Animal Veterinary Association
Hartwell G. Dow
Questers' Club
Imogene M. Eppard
Quota Club International
Effie W. Leese
Racquet and Tennis Club
Fielding V. Jackson
Railroad Employes Relief Association
Alonzo H. French
Randolph Garden Club
Agnes E. Gifford
Rebekah Lodge
Frances C. Jones (Fern Leaf)
Letta M. Baker
Cartie L. Foster
Ethel V. R. Stebbins
Anna Allen (Fern Leaf Chapter)
Hazel L. Sprague (Greenleaf)
Redlands Senior Citizens Club
Claude A. Kinyon
Retired Officers Association
James A. McClung (Central Jersey Chapter)
Raymond W. Moss
Rhode Island Historical Society
Robert S. Allingham
Richmond Yacht Club
George F. Hall
Rio Grande Veterans Club
James E. Money
Riverside Grange
Leroy B. Henderson
Minnie A. Markle
Rock Island County Historical Society
Frances L. Stanley
Rolls Royce Club
George F. Hall
Rose-Hulman Alumni Foundation
Eugene E. Ervin
Rotary Club
William O. Coast
Edwin G. Crist
William Dean
Edwin S. Elwell
Edwin S. Elwell
William R. King
Abner J. L. Martin
Whitney S. McGuire
Elwood K. Miller
Guilford A. Morse
Edward B. Roessler
George A. Streeter
Willis E. Morgan
Jack D. O'Neal
George W. Pierce
Royal Arcanum
Charles E. Hall
Fred A. Hall
Royal Arch Masons
Schuyler R. Hafely (Chapter #49)
Samuel A. Munn
Royal Neighbors
Hazel T. Alyea
Mabel H. Anderson
Claude A. Kinyon
Gertrude G. Long
Anna M. Seymour
Royal Poinciana Golf Club
John W. Clements
Rural Letter Carriers Association
Leslie R. Buckles
San Antonio Art League
Inez M. Sawyers
San Antonio Conservation Society
Inez M. Sawyers
San Jose Historical Society
Joyce B. Reid
Santiam Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Elizabeth M. Gesler
Schoharie County Historical Society
Donald C. Becker
Scottish Rite
James R. Annis (New Hampshire Consistory, 32º)
Martin E. Ballou
Leon E. Bartram (El Jebel Shrine)
Lloyd N. Bouillon (Fort Wayne Valley)
Screen Directors' Guild
Jules V. D. Bucher
Scribblers Club
Florence R. Myrick
Seattle Police Relief Association
Hugh C. McLennan
Seattle Yacht Club
Daniel E. Bigelow
Semper Fidelis Club
Effie J. Classon
Shakespeare Club
Sarah A. Scott
Shakespeare Club of Knightstown
Emma L. Bell
Shenandale Skeet Club
John M. Kunkle
Shriners International
James R. Annis (Becktash Temple)
Donald C. Becker (Cyprus Temple)
John A. Eddy (Zuhrah Temple)
Otto W. Ehlert (Bahia Temple)
Edwin S. Elwell (Zurah Temple)
Glenn C. Foy (Ismailia Temple)
Marvin C. Colton
John A. Houston
William R. King (Za Ga Zig Shrine)
Oscar G. Norwood (Medina Temple)
John B. Peffley (Antioch Chapter)
Frederick J. Gunther (Ararat Shrine)
Sierra Club
Horace H. Hagerty
Paul T. Wilson
Leonard J. Ganser
Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity
Helen C. Bowers
Silver Cross Circle of King's Daughters' Hospital
Virginia M. Firebaugh
Sioux Valley Milk Producers Association
Howard H. Bement
Smith College Club
Cynthia A. Button
Sons of Norway
Harold J. Ellefson
Southeast Iowa Veterinary Association
Hartwell G. Dow
Southern California Dental Laboratory Association
Edward K. Beckwith
St. Anthony Commercial Club
Alden W. Elwell
St. Luke's Nurses Alumni Association
Mariah A. Noyes
State Bar Association
Albert Absher
Helen M. Houston
Telephone Pioneers of America
Floyd V. Frederick
Otis J. Moore
Terpsichorean Club
William J. Maxwell
Texas Manufacturers Association
Lawrence H. Gall
The Married People's Bridge Club
Altona H. E. Hall
Thimble Club
Mary E. Brown
Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club
Helen C. Bowers
Ticknor Club
Clara M. Myrick
Toastmaster's International
Howard L. Bliss
Eugene E. McClure
Herbert H. Mitchell
Town and Country Club
Henrietta C. Howe
Town Bridge Club and the California Mesa Bridge Club
Roberta J. Carkhuff
Tri Kappa
Clarissa Ahl (Alpha Chapter)
Tri-State Breeders
David J. Krutsch
Tucson Musicians Association Local 771
Ara E. Pettijohn
Tuesday Review (literary club)
Effie W. Leese
Twentieth Century Club
LaBlanche Houston
Twin Cities Civil War Round Table
Edwin S. Elwell
Twinsburg Grange
George O. Haggett
University Glee Club
Robert S. Allingham
University of Nebraska Alumni Association
Everett B. Scott
University Women's Club
Effie L. Blair
Kathryn L. Stanley
Vermilion County Dental Society
William B. Hall
Veteran Motor Car Club
Clarence J. Gallagher
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Stanley J. Abbey (Post #6533)
Leon E. Bartram
Wallace L. Bolton
Leonard B. Boyer
Kenneth N. Chandler
Clarence F. Crist
Charles Cummings
Leslie W. Curlee
Robert T. Faircloth
Charles W. Graybill
Virgil H. Houston
Everett C. Hurd
Raymond Kopp
William E. MacIntire
Finney M. McCleary
James T. O'Brien
Donald G. Rohlfs
Lee H. Woodard
Chauncey G. Bruder (Knox Post #748)
Melvin L. Bruder (Post #998)
John P. Harlan (Mechanicsburg Post #6704)
Otto H. Lindstead (Captain H. A. Crow Post #884)
James A. McClung (Post #10189)
Hugh C. McLennan (Roosevelt Post #24)
Alton B. Miller
Welton G. Miller (Post #8951)
Kenneth O. Moreland (John H. Kraus Post #454)
Raymond W. Moss (Post #360)
James W. Bower (Post 521)
Robert V. Coston (Post No. 8316)
Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary
Hazel D. Covert
Albertina M. Miller
Edna L. Moss (Post #360)
Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary
Beatrice B. Turner
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Adelaide C. Butler
Virginia Yacht Club
Edwin G. Crist
Wally Byam Caravan Club
Edward K. Beckwith (Tri-County Unit)
Washington Athletic Club
Daniel E. Bigelow
Washington Pioneers' Association
Walter A. Hall
Wayne County Historical Museum
Charles W. McGuire
Wednesday & Thursday Morning Bowling Clubs
Elizabeth M. Mumma
Western Botanists
Paul T. Wilson
Whitewater Opera Company
Marilyn A. Ervin
Whiting Music Club
Marguerite C. Doan
Wilbur Grange
Hazel D. Covert
Wilderness Country Club
John W. Clements
Williamsburg Garden Club
Adelaide C. Butler
Wimodausis Club
Marjorie E. Knudsen
Wisconsin Friends of Our Native Landscape
Harold S. Allen
Wisconsin Holstein Friesian Association
David J. Krutsch
Woman's Christian Association
Bertha F. Alden
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Clarissa H. Carkhuff
Elnora O. Davidson
Almira M. Eddy
Clara Hall
Mabel C. Houston
Minnie A. Markle
Della M. Tagg
Woman's Club
Bertha F. Alden
Jane M. Alden
Elizabeth A. Grimes
Veda H. Loomis
Villa P. Balaam
Helen L. Baldridge
Doris J. Berry
Clara L. Bevard
Effie L. Blair
Ruth Elwell
Dorothy S. Houston
Mary W. Kinne
Salome A. Pierson
Kathryn L. Stanley
Cora A. Bruns
Marguerite C. Doan
Imogene M. Eppard
Helen M. Houston
Helen L. Knudsen
Effie W. Leese
Florence R. Myrick
Katherine L. V. Fletcher
Esther E. Nichols
Etta M. Shepard
Katherine L. Graves
Mary Z. Shedd
Gay Rust
Sylvia V. Hall
Effie J. Classon
Laura M. Miller
Woman's Relief Corps
Frances C. Jones
Women Painters of the West
Alice T. Gibson
Women's Democratic Club
Helena M. Fultz
Women's Faculty Club
Helen L. Baldridge
Women's Guild
Martha A. Dean
Women's Relief Corps
Alice H. Gould
Catherine P. Packer
Wooden Spoon
Effie W. Leese
World War I Barracks
William H. McCollister (Post #764)
Helen I. Eversole
Yale St. Anthony Club
Fielding V. Jackson